Many feel it is hard to raise their vibration with all the destorted energies around us, especially now during a time when everything around us seems to be crumbling as the old paradigm continues to collapse. It is not always easy to shift out of the old timelines and jump into the new.
It is really quite simple to elevate your frequency even on days that the energies seem so intense. Yesterday was a very intense energy day. The ringing in my ears have let up some but yesterday I was irritable the only place I wanted to be was with Nature, but I had other obligations to fulfill.
Here are some simple practices that a lot of us do daily, so even if the World seems crazy right now we are still elevating our frequencies.
Smelling Flowers or Essential Oils.
Burning Sage is another great way to clear the air in your house as well as around you, I smudge quite often sometimes when I meditate and wave the smoke around me and walk through the house blessing and removing unwanted energies and germs.
Listening to Solfeggio frequencies are good for the cells in our bodies, as well as soothing to the mind and helps repair our DNA.
Journal your thoughts and dreams, writing them down is a great way to get in touch with the deepest part of you, I often reflect back in my journal which helps me understand more of what I am attached to that needs to be let go of and some that are very uplifting that boosts my vibration.
And Nature for me is the ultimate healer, just sitting outside listening to the birds, or sitting by a lake or stream, even just laying back looking up at the clouds as the pass by and most of all the Sunshine always gives me an energy boost.
It really is quite simple and so many feel it is hard when truly it is only the mind that makes one feel this way, this is why it is vital to find a moment of Peace through out your day even if it is just for 5 minutes to close your eyes and focus on your breath, very soothing to our Mind and Spirit.
Life is not as hard as we make it out to be, live simple and enjoy life to the fullest no matter what disturbs your presence just let it go and be in your own sacred space