zondag 5 december 2021

Energy update ~ Jennifer Hoffman

It's eclipse day and I think a good theme for this one is illusion meets reality. I delved into the details in the December Energy Report, link is in the comments. One thing I noticed for this chart is the grouping of planets and how the personal planets which govern our individual realities, are facing off with the outer planets, the ones with a more general impact.

The illusion is a reality choice that is given to us by others. The reality we choose for ourselves is the one we decide to own.

This eclipse is also conjunct the Great Attractor, the builder and destroyer of worlds in our universe. It simultaneously sends out high vibe energy and acts as a gigantic tractor beam for anything that gets too close, pulling it into its vast, dense, black hole for total annihilation.

What happens to something that gets pulled into a black hole? If energy can't be destroyed, then it becomes compost for new energies.

This is a good time to re-write your story, the beliefs and thoughts you have about yourself that form the cornerstones of your reality.
I never, I always, I should have, I can't, It will never -- our stories are generally built on what we can't do or won't happen.
In my family the story is 'no one ever gets to do what they want to do'. It is what everyone believes. I did too until I had to decide whether I was going to spend my life flat on my back and paralyzed or learn to walk again. I decided to walk instead of becoming the poster child for the ultimate example of the family story.
Then I decided to re-write that story and to give myself permission to do everything I wanted to do. I didn't have to succeed or become the world's best, I just had to take a test drive and see if I like it.
Some things I did like, some things I didn't, but the value in trying is that you give yourself a chance to choose and to rewrite the 'I can't' story into an 'I did it' story.
It is so much more fulfilling to know you tried and decided not to do something rather than never trying because you're too afraid to begin.
What story do you want to re-write now? Eclipses are great times to do that and they afford us the opportunity to do some big release work. With the help of the Great Attractor, we can send the old, worn out, tired, and limiting stories to that great tractor beam to be incinerated with the other ghosts of the past.
Shine on - try something new today.