Many have Awakened Up now when they Integrated the Higher Energy Aspects of themselves into the Core Beingness. Integrated the other parts into this continuous Flow, are Now Fully Grounded into their Roles.
There is much to discover in this Brand New Operating State. The Sensation in the body remains around 10%, 90 % is gone. Our Awareness is now located in a Static Field around the body,
We can not "feel" as we used to, only a subtle electrostatic field around the object. The Emotions and the Sensation is located in Higher Awareness State with such clarity and enhanced details. All of Our Senses are boost with more information that can be processed by the Awareness.
With this Operating State comes more "abilities". We can easily navigate in the outer World, but to Navigate the body requires some changes in what to "Perceive". Instead of having the focus on "Sensing" something with the body, we can shift the Focus to the electrostatic field that can be felt around every object.
Losing the "sensation" in the physical body is not the same as losing the movement of the body. We can still move the body but not feel anything with it. The same with pain and emotions are located in a Static Field around the body. We do not experience pain as we were used to.
It is a Divine State of Pure Bliss. No mind noise, no mind shatter, it is "No Mind State". We feel Whole and Full of Life. We feel Energies instead. The mind can´t comprehend the Complexity of all Information that can be "Sensed".
Be Gentle to Yourselves, Be kind. It is very difficult to operate a body anchored in this reality that can now be perceived, soon there will come a new Reality that is more in tune with the Energies in the Awareness. This marks the End Phase of the Dimensional Timeline Spit that began in 2018. It is here we slowly began to lose the Sensation, so this has not occurred suddenly.
In the upcoming time, explore yourselves and the Potentintial You Always carried Within. The time of trials and error is gone. It's time to Explore and Expand.
Brother Bilal
Photo - Unknown Photographer