vrijdag 24 september 2021



The 144,000 Masters of Light are now prepared for the roles they are here to play.

They are Masters of Light who are in human form but contain the genetics and codes that allow them to move to the New Earth to prepare the ground, a dream that the movement of the human race to a new level of consciousness will take place.

The geomatrix of the crystalline code (around the planet) is similar to the merkabah. Each fully formed merkabah of the 144,000 Masters of Light is part of the code to activate the crystalline matrix.

The activation of this crystalline matrix is ​​what many call "the event."

The Galactic Federation has the Holy Grail. The location of The Holy Grail is not revealed. This chalice is made of 144,000 facets of polished moldavite.

Activate the 144,000 Masters of Light. Each facet contains a code and when the Light touches the facet, the Master is activated.

The 144,000 is a complex mandala, and each Master of Light will have his or her own role.
"We will help establish this New Earth, as we inaugurate this new Golden Age."

“We have been chosen by the Source to eliminate ALL manipulations that do not work in the best interest of HUMANITY. WE ARE chosen to unite the world as ONE.

We are here to remember and demonstrate to HUMANITY and our star children their true heritage and connection to Source. "

Points of Light