maandag 20 september 2021

Spiritual Warfare… Teri Wade

Spiritual Warfare…

There is a battle raging with the dark forces and those of the light for control of this planet and the human consciousness as well as the use of the human body and our DNA. The people that are aware of this spiritual warfare are feeling the intense pressure daily as this battle rages on the interdimensional planes.

This is a massive war and the players are non-human and human and goes way beyond the planetary elite. Those that have been placed in positions of power have been put there by consent and their willingness to carry out the crimes against humanity on behalf of the negative alien agenda in exchange for money, resources, power and temporary life extension. Some of them have been told that they will be taken to other planets for safety when full disclosure hits.

People are becoming more aware of these sinister plans by these elites through an Awakening that’s happening but a huge wake up call is the mainstreaming of Satanism, child pedophilia and child ritual abuse. We’re seeing it all surface!

They keep humanity in control, in bondage and servitude through fear but those days are numbered. Those who are awakened are targets for these dark forces through psychic attacks, negative implants, dark entity intimidation etc. because they are becoming desperate. They are trying to suppress the human beings spiritual advancement.

Those that are awakened are guiding the rest of humanity to light and truth and diminishing the tyrannical hold on mankind. These satanic dark entities are parasitic and need humanity’s emotions to feed off of. They can appear human and non human. Many of us are here at this time to understand how these entities work, think, where they came from and how they infiltrated this planet. You’ve heard me say...”if you don’t know who your enemy is, you are powerless in destroying them.”

We are in a massive psycho spiritual war directed towards humanity over our consciousness. Unfortunately, many of us have experienced psychic attacks, intimidation, negative implants and other forms of alien aggression.

We experienced these and were required to for the reason of understanding how they work. Meaning, you need to know how to play their game. We are beginning to understand how our planet has become so corrupt by this Reptilian virus and their artificial synthetic machinery. We are seeing it playing out in real time by watching these elites drop one by one because of their crimes against humanity and we will see many more.

Again, the dark rule, oppression and the tyrannical agenda that humanity has been subject to for thousands of years is coming to an end this is the reason for the intense an incredible chaos on our planet right now, it will stabilize and the Light will win.