What you are going through collectively has nothing to do with what you think it is. There is an undercurrent flowing that is as old as humanity itself. It is a HUGE TEST where we are asked to let go of an ancient pattern that came from the great divide of the ONE just after the beginning of creation. This was the first divide of the ONE into light and dark. Even though both light and dark originated from the ONE creation, they were quickly identified as opposites. But in reality, there are no opposites in the ONE. And what humanity is experiencing now is the ONE actively working to return to the ONE even if this is not apparent in the physical world.
This original divide created a grand illusion of separation and a primal fear of death and of loss of self. When you divided yourONEself, you believed in this illusion. You felt like you lost a part of yourself which created an unquenchable emptiness that you would spend the rest of time trying to fill.
But the opportunity for healing this divide is now upon the collective. Once we face the illusion of separation, there is only UNITY. When we face the illusion of death, then there is only everlasting LIFE. When we face fear, then there is only LOVE. When we face our inner victim, the one who fears being controlled by uncountable illusions, you remember that you are the master of your existence.
This is where you are today. No one under the sun is exempt from this test … No one, no matter who you are. Every living human being is faced with this test. To rise up to be a living master of your reality, you must face the foundation of all your dualities. If you pass this test, you move on to a glorious new experience.
If you don’t, you will repeat this test until you pass it. Humanity has circled around this final test in ages past more times than you can comprehend. But with each circumnavigation of this test, there were invaluable lessons learned. There is a great opportunity in front of you now to end your endless circling and to take a unique step forward toward a new destiny. This is where you have the opportunity to face your physical mortality and your impermanence, and see the illusion of the physical body that you have identified with.
The challenges you face in this unique time have very little to do with the list of current events or polarized perspectives around you. Natural tension is generated between anything that is divided in humanity’s collective consciousness. This is where the saying “opposites attract” comes from. Taking a side, or making a judgement, perpetuates the division that created the split in the ONE (into light and dark) in the first place.
There is a common, unconscious, fundamental pull to bring the dark and light back together, back to the ONE creation, even though it appears that they are being pushed even further apart. Over time, humanity has needed to battle the opposites to feel the presence of the other side, but you forget this opposite side is also the lost piece within yourONEself that you have always looked for. But when you come back to the ONE, all the illusions of these challenges are no longer there. They never existed.
Duality in ALL forms come from the separated, divided, ego mind and are fueled with primal fear. But most cannot see this yet, and they will defend their side until they see the truth. These sides are only triggers to remember the original divide and the primal need to return to the ONE. This moment is not what you think it is, and it is much bigger than what you are observing. This is a huge, primal, ancient, repeating pattern that is ending, so you can become the ONE once again.
“The Source” through Aluna Joy Yaxkin.
Received prior to the FULL MOON SEPT on 20, and EQUINOX on SEPT 22, 2021