In men who seek temperance and peace within them. In poets men, dreamers, wizards, writers, alchemists, artists...
In men who like to dance and sing and make life a celebration. Men who embrace their injured inner child, listen and embrace the truth and who want to heal and help others heal.
In men who refuse to be slaves to their own wound and who, despite the pain, clean and heal it patiently, with love and courage.
In men who come from the stars and remember the power of their wings, the power of their hands and the power of their hearts.
In men who know intuition and use it as their compass, and share freedom because they are free and know no other way to live.
I believe in the men protective of female energy, who know how to read the look of their beloved and who do not want to change it, simply accompany her wisely on her flight.
I believe in complete men who don't need anything outside because they already know it's all in.
In men who make fire when they're cold, who take refuge in water when they're thirsty. In men with sincere eyes who see themselves and that's why they love and respect all the creatures that exist on Earth.
I believe in men, perfectly imperfect, because it is in that imperfection they also find their beauty.
Sensitive men who know how to receive and give love in balance, who listen and who also speak, those who live and let them live and who live sexuality as sacred, because they know it is a wonderful gift.
Men with clear feelings, who are accessible.
Who walk barefoot and talk to plants.
In tender and wild men at the same time.
In the holy man and in all the divinity they have...
Blanca Chavez ~