zaterdag 12 december 2020

12/12 Gateway Portal - The Rainbow Bridge ~ Abigail Wainwright

12/12 Gateway Portal - The Rainbow Bridge

During this deep transitional phase, the ‘Rainbow Bridge,’ which is a channel of light that moves through your chakra system & along your spine has been activated. This will allow the Divine Spirit to enter your body to stimulate higher development of your soul. As higher consciousness is raised, this Rainbow Bridge comes to life, nourishing & awakening your body, mind & soul through the chakra system. The influx of light is a spiritual detoxification, thus clearing out blocks from your mind, emotional body, physical body & soul, including past life experiences. This can feel very uncomfortable & confusing as the blockages are broken down & processed. All emotional trauma is stored within the body’s organs & nervous system, & this light body is getting activated to purify the physical body. The result is your energy field becomes more spacious so more light can permeate your being.

The Ascension process can be very difficult, but please hold on. Your life & perception may be changing dramatically right now. This Rainbow Bridge allows a paradigm shift to occur. You are ready & have all you need. Just open to the changes occurring with love & acceptance. Call upon your guides to assist with holding grace through this process. There are beings of unconditional love that bring protection as they anchor in the loving bridge of light upon Mother Earth, for the highest good of all. ~ Abigail Wainwright