The next step for humanity is FULL CONTACT and FULL DISCLOSURE as these two are interconnected and interdependent. Neat stories about light crafts landing and coming to save you, will not happen in the way you anticipate.
We your galactic family is not interested in interfering with your free will and disempowering you, as that would prevent the spiritual evolution of many star systems, that are dependent on the spiritual advancement of your planet.. it would rather be a set-back.. you see everything is interconnected and we would be in conflict with the cosmic laws and the galactic evolution of this vector.
It is far more dependent on your inner emancipation from a forged “ truth”and a stepping into your divine sovereignty to claim your power and to discern and feel into what feels true. To have the guts to question the collective narrative and those that present it to you. Truth does not speak from fear.
Truth does not dramatize but show things as they are. It is a matter of being willing to see and connecting the dots to see the greater picture and with what means it is presented to you. Let your heart be your only authority. Trust we are here walking amongst you and thousands of us are holding “space” in our light crafts thru this great purge and battle between the forces of dark and light.
There is a divine timing to everything. Do not loose hope, but trust in the higher plan. You are not forsaken. But please do not forsake yourself. Do not forsake truth. Open your eyes to see, open your heart to be in service to truth. You came here as truth keepers.. you have prepared, but are you ready to surrender fully to truth no matter how much it is going to shatter the world as you know it?
Because it will. You volunteered to do this. We are no different to you. We come from your future to remind you, we are indeed one and the same, simply serving from a different dimension and seeing things from a more evolved vantage point assisting everyone of you to see the “plot”.
The hour has come for all to be revealed. It will shatter and brake down all illusions. Be brave, be calm and hold the highest possible vibration to a positive outcome for the highest good of all involved. Alchemize, synthesize all into 0-point to transcend and collapse duality in all timelines.
Truth shall be your savior. You were made for this.
Grace Solaris and the Star Alliance