dinsdag 8 maart 2016

Anna Merkaba: The Exposé maart 2016

The Exposé – Ground Crew – Alchemy of Life – Blood, Health, Aura – Intergalactic High Council of 12

Greetings my beloved masters of the universe!
The transmission you are about to hear is quite a fascinating one. Some parts of this transmission have intrigued me so much that i was guided all over the internet in order to coherently explain to all of you  what some part of this message, that you are about to hear from our benevolent counterparts, means. After you hear this transmission i will talk about what i have discovered. So stay tuned until the very end of this message for a partial deciphering of this information, which will assist you in releasing and purifying yourselves even more. Now, having said this, here is the channeling that I have received from the Intergalactic Counsil of 12.

Th exposé of the global quests for the benevolent creation of fire and water principles is enfolding swiftly from out the deep waters of Gaia. The exposé of the set principles is making itself known and preparing each soul responsible for its coherent explanation to humanity in large. For from within the planet the intercepted ideals of human consciousness are being examined and analysed in order to fully comprehend the human agenda and the human way of life. The inner circles of the creative forces within are interlocking the triangular degree of consciousness, Christ consciousness into the Metatron's cube, the alchemy, the interlocking of set principles is what is allowing the communication to flow freely from the authors of the past into the authors of the now moment in time.
The new road map is being created for all of humanity and shall be rolled out soon enough for those in your authors who fully comprehend that the time has come for me to changes to occur within and without. For the times ahead to be fruitful are not without various pitfalls which could effect  the entire human polulation and earth herself and thus it is imparitive to co-create our reality based structure that shall benefit all involved in order to allow all of earth inhabitants to jump through the firy principles and arrive on a completely new timeline, from that which has been first imagined by those in the now. It is imparitive to waken to the core of each being, it is imparitive to fully wake up and actually begin the soul purpose and missions that you've come here to uphold. It is imparitive to release the blockages held therein, within the consciousness of your being and to fully step in to your own powers and to fully step into your missions, which you're urgently being ushered to by your guides, and by your very own selves.

The time has come once again to unite and to one front in order to rectify and bring forth the equilibrium that is being thought by so many on your earthly plains of existence. The time has come to shed your old identities and to fully, completely and actively step into your respective roles as wayshowers, healers, teachers, co-creators, engineers of a new reality.
And so, and thus, let it be known that indeed you're being visited and indeed are being prepared for taking an active role in your societies, in your own families, in your very own lives. You're being prepared and gently pushed in the right direction for your soul's purpose. All that you are experiencing i'll beat the seeming bizarity of the images and situations presenting themselves to you, is absolutely real and is deliberately staged in order to fully showcase to you that which indeed you are, to fully awaken you and allow you to shed the old and welcome in the new. Many of you are now finding yourselves amidst turbulent changes, synchronistically arrranged to propell your soul's growth and unfold the true essence of that which you are. It is imparitive that you allow yourselves to be heard. It is imparitive that you allow yourselves to listen to that which is ocurring within. For the within is reflecting to you that which is without and vice versa.
 Your innate knowing is ushering you into balance, into equilibrium from where you can consciously choose a new route for your present incarnation. Changes are bound for many of you and no matter the turbulence we ask that you understand and allow yourselves to let go of the undermining of your growth by the outdated modules of thinking patterns ingredient to your subconscious and allow yourselves to fully surrender to that which you truely are, accepting all of the gifts of splender and might that you bring forth to humanity simply by being on this very planet, at this very moment in time.

For that which you are is a phenomenal, magnificent being of Light who have returned to this very planet in order to assist all of her inhabitants in moving unto a different spectrum, a different light wave, a different frequency in order to align with her new destination of bliss, equilibrium and balance. Gaia is travelling home and you are here to uphold the truth of all that is. You're here to bring back to humanity that, which has been lost for eons. You're here to usher in the new age. An age of freedom of thought, for through your thoughts you manifest that which you see. Through your thoughts you manifest all that you are. Through your thoughts you manifest all that you wish to experience.
And so, with assistance of your benevolent higher selves, with the assistance of you benevolent guides you're weaving a new platform into being. Know that you are the ones presenting all of us, who are presently working relentlesly behind the scenes, behind the veil. Know that without you the ascencion process would surely come to a hold. Remember that you have been prepared well for the mission at hand. Know that we are walking with you, hand in hand and foot in foot. Know that you are supported by All that Is. Know this is so, for it is. That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

Als I mentioned in the beginning of this message, I would now like to share with you some very interesting bits and pieces of information that I was lead to after the channeling. I was incredibly intrigued by the phrase 'the exposé of the global quests, for the benevolent creation of Fire and Water principles', and upon request was guided to the following information. As it turns out the fire that they speak of is referring to our blood and how our very thoughts and emotions actually change the chemical composition of our blood, which in turn either nourishes our body and allows for brilliant health, or, depending on the thoughts that we allow to circulate within us becomes toxic and causes a variety of health issues to occur.
The exposé, the disclosure in this case is reffering to a search for global health, welbeing and immortality by everyone on this planet, especially in the light of a variety of diseases that most are experiencing presently. The underlining here is that our thoughts, as most of us understand, create our realities.
And now, as science progresses further, we are being shown proof, of what our ancients have now for eons. What most of alternative doctors and energy healers already are aware of and so what our benevolent counterparts are trying to say to us is that the search for welbeing that we are all so eagerly seeking is within our very own selves, within our very own cells, within our very own thoughts, within our very own blood. And so, by changing our thought patterns as we've been guided to do over and over again by our guides, we'll literally can change the chemical composition of our blood and in turn, heal our own selves. As I said, I was guided to a lot of different information, but this one spoke valiums to me.

In the words of Moe Bedard from gnosticwarrior.com, blood is the seed of our soul. It is said that he, who controls the blood controls the mind. Moe Bedard goes on to say that in the distrustful and poisoned world that we live in today many people do not control their blood. Therefore they are easily mind-controlled, because they are poisoning their very own blood supply with their poisoneous thoughts. Harmful actions and passionfilled lives are a combination that not only makes them easily mind-controlled but also can lead to a variety of diseases. This is the 'as within so without' of gnosticism and alchemy.
Moe Bedard goes on to say that in order to know thyself we first need to know how 'thyself' operates. Part of this process involves the study of the occult mysteries of health, univeral laws of nature, energies of science and becoming medically familiar with the human body. One of the subjects that I would like to explore today is blood alchemy and the bible, two very important subjects to go hand in hand and what I'd like to call 'theo-alchemy'. 'Theo', meaning relating to God or Thaddeus and 'alchemy' meaning the human chemistry based on the supposed transformation of matter.
Moe Bedard goes on to say in alchemy and science colour is very important. Especially when ik comes to the aspects of man.
From our blood within to our aura without it is all connected. We are all consciously and some of us unconsciously choosing our own colours of health or disease by our thoughts, actions and lives. The German Swiss Renaissance alchemist and oculist Paracelsus confirms this. While he had written that the causes of disease can be classified under the 5 heads, amongst them the psychological causes which can be cured psychologically by mind and faith.
Moe Bedard goes on to say the meaning of temperament is a person's animal nature and especially as it permantly affects their behaviour. This is different from an occasional change of your moods that we can experience and that vary from day to day. Your temperament is your overall tone or vibration in energy or astral aura that is you most of the time. For example if you're in a bad mood often and have a tendency to be overally negative you would be considered to have a bad temper or negative temperament.  In science, temperament araises, meaning mixture of tempering of elements such as fire, which is prosperous in sulfer, air, which is oxygen, earth, which is carbon,  and water, which is H2O. This is where the modern alchemist must practice the heart of healthful balance with his mind, thoughts, actions, diet and living.

A way of life Moe Bedard likes to call modern gnosticism, alchemy. A simple method of human operation that involves the proper management of these chemical energies within our bodies and that we can help regulate a healthy temperament by  positive thoughts, healthy actions and  happy lives. Moe Bedard goes on to say an animal or a plant can not be entirely hot, that is consist wholly of fire, nor can it be wholly moist as is the element of water.
There must necessarily be a mixture or tempering of qualities and the individual temperament is designated from that quality which super abounds. Our temperaments directly relate to the all chemical colour aspects of our blood and also the colour of our energy aura. This bad attitude eventually turns your red blood dark, by heating the temperature of your normal helpful chemical energies such as fosfors, sulfur and homosistene in your blood. What this does is change them into harmful gasses and assets such as sulfur dioxite, which is the product of the burning of sulfur or o burning materials that contain sulfur and that will simply kill you over time, if you do not correct these abuses of your mind and body.
Moe Bedard goes on to say water is the way in nature, water always follows the path of the least resistance but at the same time its properties can cut throught rocks and change the landscape of whole continents. If we wish to evolve as souls we must be like water and also follow the path of least resistance. Water in our bodies is the true path to peace, love and harmony with our souls. The reason being, is that our bloodplasma is made of 90% water and modern science has already verified that water has memory. The importance that water plays in our bodies and in particular our blood. Important facts such as our earth is covered by 70% water. Or that our bodies are made out of just about the same percentage of water as earth, which can be found in our blood plasma and contain even more water within an incredible 90%. The other 10% in the blood plasma contains some other very important chemicals.

Als many of you are probably are already aware, the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto is (was) a pioneer in modern discoveries of the effects from our environment and water. Masaru Emoto conducted various experiments measuring the crystallisation effects that every day human interactions such as speech, images, music and thoughts, have on water. What he had discovered were striking differences in the crystalline structure of water, based on the type of input he had tested. Testing that had simply used either negative or positive energy such in that found in music. To test its effects on water and to verify that water is emotional and has the ability to accumulate information, in one of his interviews Masaru Emoto said, that he has been able to create many memories of homeopathy and to cure many diseases such all kinds of breast and liver cancer, lymphatic diseases such as leucemia, diseases of the heart and even aids.
In seven years he could cure up to ten thousand patients, only with his water. The scientists went beyond and referred to the healing properties of the spring water of the sanctuary of the Virgin of Lourdes in the South of France, where the scientists to use are not anything special, but there were many demonstratable cases of curing diseases. Regarding the healing of the qualities of this water, Masaru Emoto estimated it took, due to the influence of the Virgin Mary and the girl who prayed with her every day. Therefore the water is filled with feelings of love and appreciation because when God created the world he created love and gratitude to give and receive, which translates into immune power and in this case the sentiment has moved into water. Masaru Emoto goes on to say that a person who is full of feelings of love and gratitude is not sick.
Moe Bedard goes on to say that this new scientific discovery by Masaru Emoto of the effects of water by words, sounds or prayers is actually not new science at all. But in old science based on the ancient teachings that our ancestors would know these secrets of water and alchemy we can actually find in the bible such in John 7:38 where it is said whoever beliefs in me out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. Or, in Revelation 22:1 and then the Angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb.

Moe Bedard goes on to say in Christianity Jesus answered: very trully I tell you no one can answer the Kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the spirit. Taoist traditions tell us that water points us to the way. Lao Tsu says: the highest good is like that of water. The Japanese called water 'Zui' and it can be associated with emotion, defenciveness, adaptability, flexibility, soupleness and magnetism. To the Buddhist water washed away filth and impurity, which help to wash your soul from your own bad karma. To the ancient Egyptians the secrets of heaven and water were symbolised by the Goddess Siris who we can consider a god of water and that was regarded as the great genial principle of all nature. Calling forth and cherishing the fruits of the earth, in the Koran, it is stated that living things are made of water and it is often used to describe paradise.
Moe Bedard goes on to say it is as clear as a virgin spring high in the Alps that Saint John and the Saints were showing us the way in an allegorical manner, to keep it hidden from the masses until now.

A science of the human soul that a Japanese scientist, named Masaru Emoto, is now making a reality, available for everyone to understand, in simple images that can in time change this very world we live in, that is filled with chaos and war into peace and Love. As I mentioned  before our blood is made of 90% water and we now know that words, music and prayers can effect water which resides in our very blood.
Hence what we think, what we say, what we put into our minds and what we do we shall become. This is why, in the religions of the world, the water symbolises purity, calmness, cleanses and is the purifier.

I hope that you have enjoyed this channeling and the information following this channeling and that it will come in handy for you. I hope that having heard this you will begin to fully see the reality of being and to consciously participate in restructuring of your mind in order to purify your firy and water principles and to fully step into the new age, co-creating a new reality of peace, harmony, unconditional understanding, support, love and light.
Thank  you so much for listening and please stay tuned for my next transmission where I will share guide with you that I have received from Melchizedek which should help you make a shift from the negative to positive thinking and remember, there is a lot more valuable information available on my blog at www.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com.
I love you all so very very much and I thank you for being here on earth!