The effort about being understood by those around you is a primary way you give away your energy and introduce pressure and resistance to your experience.
But honestly how successful have you ever been about convincing another to see you as you would like to be seen, rather than the way they are choosing to see you?
The Flow from Source is for always and to All, and if you are in Flow then there is never a need to convince others because not only are you at Home with yourself, you have no need to be approved of or be liked because you Love and are aligned to yourself.
In this simple Shine, in this Brilliance of self, Source becomes self evident through you and approval and like for you simply follows you.
Tend to your own alignment first, the Loving of being You, and then give to others.
Being in the Grace of your own Presence and honouring it leads to ease of being, ease of doing, and ease of giving.
When the cup runs over there is plenty for everyone.
I So Love You
PS. These days are all about Change.
How willing are you to see how your efforts to "move forward" are guided by wanting to PROMOTE yourself, or simply to BE yourself?
One involves efforting (holding on) and one is done with ease (letting go).
We all “slip back” from time to time, there is nothing wrong with that.
Through gentle, kind, and loving vigilance we get quicker at stepping back into sacred space.
Take a light filled conscious breath and you are back.