dinsdag 28 september 2021

Soul Talk ~ Judith Kusel

Soul Talk:

I have never felt the need to engage in small talk, although it is considered a social skill.
I never saw the meaning and purpose of simply throwing empty words around and speaking as if one was speaking to an empty shell. I always wished to engage heart to heart, soul to soul, and thus add meaning and purpose to a conversation, where both are enriched and indeed may open the doors to great insight, understanding, and indeed purpose and meaning in life.

So many people today suffer from meaningless information overloads emitted via the Internet and the Social Media. I have so often witnessed a family having lunch in a Restaurant, and not engaging in verbal conversations anymore, each one indeed more interested in what is going on, on their cellphones, than what is going in within the family,
or within each other. Gone are the days of bantering, of laughter, or sharing of whatever one encountered within a day, or life or living. One is indeed being run by the whatever it is one is engaging on the cellphone, and not interested anymore, about what is happening within the soul, itself.

The older I get, the more I refuse to engage in the meaningless anymore. It only wishes to engage in that which truly being more meaning and purpose to my life, that which enhances my life, and indeed expands my consciousness and consciousness awareness.
I wish to delve ever deeper into the Immensity of Creation and indeed walk an ever more intimate and loving life, AS ONE with the Divine, and embracing the endless Divinity and Infinity within my own soul, and then explore beyond the beyond. I have such a long list of what I still wish to write about, to share, to indeed explore and to delve deeper into, the mystery of mysteries, which is Cosmic Life, and Cosmic Laws, and Cosmic Knowledge in the highest and deepest sense, and more than this, experience the Power of Love.

This is what gives meaning and purpose to my life. This is what has kept me going through the deepest dark nights of my soul. It is what has added to the most meaningful conversations with other souls, who indeed also did not wish to engage in small talk, but indeed often provided me with immense food for my soul, as much as I hope I did for them.
To me, every morning is a deep surrendering to highest loving service in highest alignment with Divine Will. The deeper I go, and more I experience the Eternal and Infinite and indeed the Immensity of Being, the more I expand, the more I wish to experience and to know, to love, to cherish and indeed to live.

When we start to communicate heart to heart, soul to soul, authentic, truthful, real, we will indeed find that use words more sparingly. We indeed, master the fine art of listening more, and indeed, then, when we allow ourselves to speak, and even to write, that each word will become a Vibration and Frequency of the Power of Love. For each word has power and indeed each word has sound vibration and frequencies. What we broadcast – has ripple effect on the whole and indeed comes back to us, in manifold ways. That is why I am careful with words these days, and careful with conversations.

So often conversations are steeped in what is wrong with the world, according to each one’s perception of what has been broadcast over the media, without questioning if what is broadcast is the truth. Most suffer from meaning information overloads, and what is seeded into them, without questioning the content. Thus lies breed more lies and breed more discontent and fear.
When you seek to truly know, you will indeed first go deeply within yourself, and ask that the truth be revealed to you – and it will. It will resonate with you. It will bring inner knowing and inner peace. It will never bring fear, or discontent, or inner turmoil. Indeed, the truth may at first bring denial as your ego fights it, but the soul will always know the higher truth.

What gives the greatest meaning and purpose to life, is when a soul lives its highest truth, with integrity and pure intent, and is in constant alignment with its own inner soul self and indeed with the Divine within. Indeed, it becomes a way of life.

When you speak from the heart of Love and from the truth of soul, you will indeed find it will reverberate deeply within the heart and soul of others. For it will speak directly into the Higher Soul Self, and not the egos and indeed the personas. It will speak soul to soul, heart to heart.
One does not need small talk.

The higher dimensional talk is heart to heart, soul to soul: - meaningful, loving exchanges, which indeed uplift, inspire and indeed empower others, in loving ways.
Seek what you will – I seek loving, meaningful encounters, soul to soul, heart to heart.

Judith Kusel
Photo: Source Unknown. If you know the Source, please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source.