woensdag 29 september 2021

Energy Update ~ Mary Long

These are difficult times for many and for some these are invigorating times of change.

So many loved ones are exiting this dimension via death, I have known many here in the last few months that are dying and they all seemed to have taken the j a b.

When we spoke of the great purification process a decade ago it most certainly was not meant to be the way it is now where the Cabal is forcing it upon the families of many.

I know it is hard to grasp these murderous beings that are forcing things upon on us that goes against our free will.

Their day will come beloveds, I feel it is all ready here the more we choose to not participate in their agenda's of forceful thinking.

We must continue to hold the light for all beings on this planet, during these confusing yet chaotic times.

So many are leaving, some say dropping like Flies, it does seem that way while we are being forced to be something or do something we do not want to be a part of.

Just hold the love in your Heart Loves, these times are the great reveal, the truth of the darkness that has engulfed this planet.

Time to rise in the Light of Love, to elevate those Frequencies so high that we just vibrate right out of this 3rd dimensional denseness.

Love to all on this Wednesday, the Source of all Creation is within us and that Love is eternal, infinite no matter what happens to our bodies.