zondag 12 september 2021

Ashtar: Don’t Look Away On Your Walk ~ Vania Rodriguez

Ashtar: Don’t Look Away On Your Walk
Posted on 09/11/2021

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

I needed to come here today, to bring my energy and some information. As we usually say, do not get attached, do not pay attention to dates. The process is ongoing, nothing to add beyond that, everything will happen in the time needed, and everything will happen in the way it was planned. We are not late. Understand that when you raise your vibrations, when you place yourself as Pillars of Light, as sources of nothing but love, you speed up the process.

Imagine if we had to be totally dependent on your energy; the process would never happen. How do we plan? There is a deadline, on that date, whatever the energy of the planet is, will happen. When we tell you, that you delay the process, it means that you go backwards in time and increase the time remaining to that deadline. When you emanate Light, when you vibrate high, you speed up that same timeline and move closer to the deadline.

These cut-off dates that we put up, are not so close to the present moment. Because we know how oscillating your energy is. Anything takes you out of balance; it doesn’t take much. Of course, the vast majority here will simply say, that the environment throws you off balance. No, I’m not going to deny that the medium doesn’t unbalance it, but that statement is overused enough, and you know it’s not the truth. So I tell you this: if the medium interferes with your energy, armor yourself, create armor, create walls around yourself, and that medium’s energy will no longer affect your energy.

If people just walk in a different way than you would like them to, just stop looking at their walk, pay attention to your walk. It is your walk that is at stake, not the other person’s. Many times you get off balance, you get off that illuminated path, by looking to the side. The road is always forward, but you have the habit of looking to the side. And when you look to the side, a lot of things catch your eye, especially everything that you, within your judgment, think is wrong. So you stop your walk and find a way to say something, stir it up, bring some information, to change that energy that you perceived to be wrong; thus forgetting your walk.

It is as if you were driving a car down the road and you see something you don’t like, and you stop the vehicle, jump out, and go over there and put your opinion in; put in what you understand; put in what you think is right. Then I ask you: Who are you to think that you are always right? Who are you to think that you can maneuver others? Who are you to think that everyone has to follow exactly what you want? That’s ego, that’s ego showing off, and making you the one who always wants everything your way, no matter whether what you think is right or wrong.

So I would like to ask each one of you once again: Get in your cars and continue on that road without looking away. The journey is individual, there is no one beside you in the passenger seat. You are alone. This car represents your walk; where sometimes you are driving at a low speed, sometimes you are driving at a high speed, and sometimes you go backwards, but the walk is yours. So why bother with the other’s walk?

If the other is wrong, he will reap the fruit of his mistakes. If the other has misunderstood, he has to seek the truth. And if he continues without admitting that he is wrong, he will also reap the fruit of this. So look, each one of you, at your walks, forget what’s around you, forget the other’s walk. At this moment it is more than important, that you pay attention to your vibrations, because as everything is extremely accelerated, the imbalances come very strong. Because the amount of energy that arrives is immense and it accelerates everything it finds, whether it be positive energies or negative energies.

So I ask each one of you again: Pay attention to your own journeys; don’t look the other way; don’t want to change the world; don’t want to change people, they are what they are. And if they have not learned by now, they will also reap the results of their sluggishness, of their neglect, of their letting go of the teachings. Don’t worry about the others anymore. At this moment the path has to be looked forward, no longer sideways.

Think of this: On this road, a road that is leading to the Fifth Dimension, the closer you get to the end point, the more this road lights up. And the more you light that road, the more that light reverberates throughout the Whole. And that’s how you help those who are still in the back, the laggards, or those who don’t understand anything, or those who don’t want to understand, or those who don’t feel like doing anything.

It is not you lowering your vibrations, getting off balance, that will help anyone. On the contrary, when you get out of balance, that car goes backwards. And this going backwards takes Light from the Whole. Everything is proportional; if you generate Light, it reverberates to the Whole. If you don’t generate Light, you take Light away from the All. So, let’s each worry about our own way,? Forget about the others. This is no longer the time to try to pull anyone by the hand. Everyone has been warned enough. And I assure each one of you, that those who are in the back and supposedly need help, we are looking out for them, and they will get help if they ask us for it, but we don’t want you to get off balance because of anyone else.

Understand this. If everyone who was able to get to the front of that road keeps going down that road, I’ll say it again, it increases the Light on the planet more and more. And those people receive this Light. Now if you stop and get involved with those people, you take the Light off the planet, because you go back to their energy, you have connected with their energy. Do you realize that? That when you stop the car, to supposedly help someone who is at a loss, you connect with that energy of doubt, of fear, of rest; it doesn’t matter, you connect with it. And I assure you, it’s not a high vibration energy, and automatically, you’re back on the road. I would like you to think a lot about this.

The time now is for isolation. Many will think that this is being selfish. No, it is not. Because the time now is different. Do you want to help your brothers and sisters who are coming behind? Emanate Light, that is what you have to do. Don’t talk, don’t take anyone by the hand, everyone has to find his or her own way. Understand this. The time has come for those who like it easy, to turn around. As long as you stop the car, jump out, and go there to help, they will never change because they know they will always have help. You are not helping them, you are forcing them to keep always the same way, without looking for anything, without doing anything, without modifying, because you know that always somebody down the road will stop and will come to help you.

If you still think that this is being selfish, each one of you understands it as you wish, but the moment is to look at each one’s path. So once again I will quote, don’t get attached to dates, because everything effectively always depends on the vibration of the planet. And I assure you, you haven’t done much to raise the vibration of this planet. Few are concerned about it, few are on that road going forward and emanating Light, few. The vast majority are more concerned about jumping out of the car and helping, supposedly thinking they are really helping, than they are about moving forward and emanating Light.

So I would like you all to think, what energy are you emanating onto this planet right now? How much energy are you each emanating onto the planet? What kind of energy are you emanating onto the planet? Are you following the teachings or do you forget all the time? Do this self-examination. You can’t take anyone by the hand anymore. Things are said over and over again, over and over again. If people don’t want to understand, it is not up to you to open their heads and put the information inside. It is up to them to want to learn, it is up to them to want to evolve, it is up to them to want to get on that road at a good speed and move forward; or to stay where they are is also a choice.

So, I ask each one of you who are on that road, and who are aware that you are ahead, don’t stop to save anyone, your role now is to go forward. Because every little bit of the road you walk on, you amplify the Light on the planet, and it is this Light that will make people change, not you. One human does not change another human. What changes is the Light, is the choice, is the will of that human; not you.

So think a lot. What are you reverberating today? The car on that road going straight ahead or do you think it’s better to stop and try to change people? I will finish by saying just one thing: Whoever needs help, doesn’t ask another brother, he asks us. This sentence has been said here, I can even say, that it has been said thousands of times. How many have learned it, how many do it? Very few. They have problems and ask the other for everything.

So realize that it will not be you who will change these people, they are what they are, they don’t want to change. So follow your own path. Do you want to help them? Very well, keep on the path emanating Light, because the Light will transform them. Do this, and you will see how much you are helping the planet and the process, and indirectly helping all these people. The walk is lonely, the walk is individual, you can’t hold anyone’s hand.

**Channel: Vania Rodriguez