maandag 3 februari 2020



By Judith Kusel
As the immensely powerful shifts now occurring is pushing us more and more in the higher frequency bands with the opening of the immense cosmic portals from the Giza Pyramids to Sirius and the from Sirius linking us directly again to 7th Central Sun of Illumination.  More than this, it has opened the immensely powerful sun discs and the energy they emit.
These sun discs are not only massive and immense torus energy vortices, but smaller ones were used in ancient times to store Universal knowledge and information and download it directly into the mind.  Thus, information could not be distorted nor twisted, nor used in detrimental ways.
With this the Crystal Pyramids and the Spinal Column of the Earth have been reactivated and massive earth changes are upon us.
This shift now goes directly into heart.

The mindless running of the rat race, and quest for that ultimate material “something” has kept humanity mindless for so long.  It was a quest into a material reality, which in truth was illusionary.  So many are now opting to get out of the rat race, as their hearts open and their souls awaken, and they start to see the truth.
Once the soul sees the truth, and starts living it, it cannot go back into the illusion, for it now seeks ever higher truths, an ever higher and more expanded way of life and living this truth.  The search then opens the whole new doorways, to expanded consciousness, expanded awareness and expanded Beingness.
Deep down the soul knows that it is here for a reason, a mission and purpose.  When one wishes to deny this purpose, wake up calls will come along the way, to nudge the soul back to its original state, and to the essence of what the Divine created it for to be and express.
In my soul readings, the soul name already indicates the higher attributes of the Soul, as the Divine created it, and through these attributes it is meant to serve the Divine cosmically, so that the Divine can experience His/her Creation through the soul.
The shifts now bring even higher awakening with the souls who are awake and aware.  We need to shift now into much higher gear, and it is awakening ancient remembering within us all, which goes far beyond the planet and all incarnations here and into the very heart of the Universal Creation and the core heart of it all.
The Universal Creation is vast – so vast that our human minds cannot even grasp this.  And within the Universal Creation there is a hidden order, and Universal Laws govern this order and these Laws apply to all of Creation.  It applies to the individual soul, to the collective soul groups, to the Collective Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Soul.
The consciousness levels of individual souls at this moment in time, is that of finally reclaiming their Universal and Cosmic Consciousness.  Once consciousness expands into the Universal levels, one starts walking this planet in a much higher state of Being.  Yet the higher State of Being, can only be attained through the open heart center which links directly to the Soul.
The Soul in turn is directly linked to the Soul Group or Monad, and through the Monad, linked through the various levels of Divinity to the Divine Source.
Many souls, when they are ready to ascend into the higher states of consciousness will now, and some already have, merge with other soul flames (I am not talking about Twin Flames here), in order to step into the full mastery of their souls.  This is an energetic merging and only comes when the soul is ready to assume much higher leadership roles and walk the path without ego.
These are the core souls who have been involved with this planet since the beginning, first in Agartha, the Inner Earth civilization, and then in the later civilizations and mostly in the role of teachers and Higher Guides.  They serve at Universal levels and thus their souls have gained the Universal Knowledge which surpasses anything one can master on planet earth.
These souls have up to now, lived in relative obscurity, for they needed to do so – and many of them lived quiet lives in the background, while anchoring in their soul mission and purpose into Mother Earth, especially since 2004.  Some have had immense shifts and thus stepped further into the merging since 2017 and will do so more and more in the next years leading up to 2021 and 2034.
Yet the time has come now for these souls to step forward and out and reveal themselves to humankind, so that the work can now be done at accelerated pace.  They serve without ego.  They are not there to bring opium to the masses to keep them ignorant and bound, but they will free them from the shackles and bonds still holding them in the 3D.   This work is already being done – but now will be done to a much greater degree.
The greatest work is not done, where there is much publicity and fanfare and where the masses go.  Most of these highly advanced souls have chosen other paths, which in the end lead to a much greater awakening in many alternative ways.  For in truth the greatest teachers walk humbly and walk egoless, for they are do not seek mass adoration nor condemnation, but steadily walk the middle path, where one blame or praise has no effect.
One is totally focused on the work, and the work alone. One walks that path relentlessly, and one is but here to serve from the heart and soul and with all of one’s being.  For as the awakening occurs the souls who need to find them, will be led to them and they will recognize these Masters within their hearts and souls.  For the Masters will speak directly into their souls, and thus the soul will know them through the truth their hearts recognize.
For this the marriage now the heart and mind.  The mind will always question what the heart and soul know. It is best to step out the mind, and into the heart, which is directly attached to the soul, and then you will see clearly. When you allow the mind to control the heart, you cannot see. You are blind. When the heart opens, and reconnects to the soul, and its infinite knowing, then the mind serves the heart and works in unison with it. There needs to be a beautiful balance between the heart and the mind.
More than this, it is the balancing between the right and left brain, the marriage within of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, and the return to the higher states of Balance and Unity.
Immensely powerful and potent vibrational frequency shifts are upon us in the next few months and years.  The Universal Counsels with the Divine have ordained that Planet Earth will return to the original 7th dimensional state she was originally created in to be and become.  What the Divine declares – happens.
It will mean that we all will need to shift – and the shifts will happen within our own hearts and souls. There will be a heart opening as never experienced before.  The old you will disappear.  The New and much Higher Version of you will rise and you will hardly recognize yourself anymore.
What had so much meaning for you today and even yesterday, will lose its glamour, as you finally recognize the Maya, the Illusion which has kept humanity prisoner for so long. You will see the truth, and you soul will recognize the Truth to the highest degrees and your heart will know.
As the heart opens, the Eternal One LOVE will fill it.  The Eternal Light and Love which goes beyond all description and all Understanding.  You will start to see the truth that everyone you encounter, is but another you.  For in truth we are all ONE.  There is no separation. There never has been.
As the Rainbow Tribes and People, the True Ones, gather, they will bring global transformation to the highest degrees.  More so, they will unite in Unity, such has never experienced before.
As the heart opens more and more, and Power of Love, floods all the Beings and Mother Earth shifts into the higher dimensional state, all will be reborn, reinvented, reshaped, and transformed.  The Old earth is no more.  All will be transmuted. This immense alchemy transformation and transmutation is in full swing.
Open your heart and allow Divine Love to flood it and fill it.
Open your soul’s deepest remembrance and live its truth.
Do not shrink away from being broken open, and allowing the old Adam and Eve to dissolve, but embrace the New YOU, which is now rising to the fore, the True SOUL YOU and then go and become what you need to become in order to fulfill your highest soul mission and purpose here on planet earth.
It is time.
I have spoken.
Judith Kusel