zaterdag 1 februari 2020

Special Message from Archangel Michael ~ February Energies, Childlike Essence & The Divine Feminine By Archangel Michael

Special Message from Archangel Michael ~ February Energies, Childlike Essence & The Divine Feminine

By Archangel Michael
Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here to provide guidance on the energetics of February. The initial energies of the year opened a grand pathway in what is to come in the following weeks and months of this Year of Grace and Gratitude. Much release had to occur on your planet and the collective, for the new to arrive. The current energies are Activations of the Heart. There are three energies released upon Our Beloved Mother Gaia. Mother Gaia has accomplished much to prepare for these energies, and created the pathway of Higher Consciousness, as Her Love for Her Children is beyond measure. She is dedicated to the Ascension, and in constant service to Love… to All of Creation. Let us delve deeper into these energies, to assist All those coming Home into the Light… into the Heart… into Unity Consciousness. As always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.

Transformation of the Super Ego

There has been much release within the collective, in order to prepare the new energies of creations to into fruition. One of the densest energies is known as the Super Ego. The Super Ego is a programmed construct of the mind… the ego. It is created through the Spiritual Ego, which creates belief systems or fantasies around spiritual concepts the mind adopts. This is similar to a robot, downloaded with a spiritual program, trying to Be Authentic… trying to Be Genuine… trying to BE Love. The Super Ego acts as an inner voice, or chatter box, where the Being thinks they are communicating with the Divine, when in Truth, it is a mind trick. This form of lower consciousness make it easy for the Being to be infiltrated by lower dimensional Beings and other constructs of lower consciousness. Most of the lightworker community, including channelers, astrologers, gatekeepers, and more have this conditioning. Those with this conditioning, want to gather those whom share in their fantasies, and take energies from one another, so that Super Ego can exist.
In Truth, if One is not in the Heart, One can never Be Authentic… Be Love, not Be in Service to Love. The release of the Super Ego has created a pathway. We, your Brother & Sisters in the Higher Realms communicate through Feeling… through the Heart. One feels Our Love, and pick up on our unique energetic signature. This is where Telepathy can be unlocked, which is now available to All whom have chosen the Heart. To assist the collective in transforming this conditioning, One can adopt these mantras daily, during their meditation. They are as follows; 

Know Nothing, to Know Everything,

Thank You Angels, 
I Know Nothing… 
I AM Worthy of LOVE, 
I Surrender to Love in All Moments.
I Feel Love in All Moments
I Trust the Divine Mother, 
I Trust My Heart. 
I Trust Love.

Right Brain to Left Brain

Thank You Angels, 
I Allow my Right Brain, to overtake my Left Brain, 
I Embrace the Divine Feminine & Masculine within, 
I Embrace Our Beloved Mother & Father of All Creation,
I AM Balanced Harmonics.
I AM One with The Oneness Energies

These intentions will help to come into balance with Brain, Heart, Body and Soul, which is Balanced Harmonics, and is Our Natural State of Being. The mind and higher mind, are programmed constructs of lower consciousness, which prevents the Full of the Heart and integration of higher consciousness. Let go of the mind, and solely flow from the Heart Dear Ones.
(Book your amazing Session with Mother & FatherGod, or enjoy an incredible Twin Flame Spiritual Session, Spiritual Healing Session or Personal Ascension Assessment, to uncover your blocks, get your surprises, get unstuck, discover your mission and unlock who you really, truly are! )

Lunar Eclipse Energies, the Child Within & The Divine Feminine

The recent Super eclipse initialized the Energies of February, releasing the Childlike Essence within, which is the essence of Leo, and in combination with the The Divine Feminine energies of The Mother. In addition, the energies of Capricorn, which is a deep Earth energy, lays the foundation of the New Earth to come into Fruition. These energies are meant to liberate all whom of have chosen the Heart, from the bondage of the mind… the ego. These energies are immensely powerful, combining attributes such as; 
And so much more. Dear Ones, the State of the Heart… Being Love… Being God, is a State of Childlike Wonder. There is no wants, needs or desires, which are all conditionings of the mind… the ego. When one fully embraces the Divine Mother & Father, and Balance the Divine Feminine & Masculine within, the childlike essence is released from the bondage of the mind… the ego. To clarify, the mind is childish… the Heart is Childlike=Love=God.
These are moments of deep transformation. Many of you have experienced intense transformation involving deep childhood trauma, Mother issues and Father issues during these moments, as the energies were meant to trigger such deeply held wounds. The Child within wishes to Play and Be Free. The Divine Feminine wishes to Co~Create with Love and Honor Love.

Universal Law, The Full Release of Karma

The energy released upon Mother Earth and the collective is that of Universal Law. There are many energetics tied to Universal Law, this includes Karma. The energies of Karma is not solely of lessons. They also include your Gifts of Love. All planets are in direct motion, which is a rare celestial event. The celestial bodies are assisting in the full reinstatement of Universal Law and The Divine Decrees into the Physical Manifest. 
Those in the Heart, in Service to Love, to All of Creation, to Mother Gaia, to Our Beloved Mother & Father of All Creation, will gain their Karmic Gifts. These are the energies of Universal Law. Those whom are not in alignment with Universal Law, Karmic Lessons will be swift, and for some, fierce. 
Many will be guided towards immense changes, whether in location, homes, service work and more. Follow, Flow, Feel and Trust your Heart. Be aware of the many sychronistic events provided by the angels, guides and the Universe. The Gathering of the Children of the Heart has begun in earnest. Let go of All of the Old Dear Ones, as they no longer serve the Highest. You can choose to go through more lessons, or embrace the energies of the New Earth=Heart. There are two choices every moment… Love (The Heart) or Fear (The Mind). All choices are Honored. Choose Wisely Dear Ones. Be Brave… Be Bold… Be Love. Feel and Trust your Hearts, as it will lead you Back Home Into the Light with Mother & Father of All Creation, and All of Creation into Unity Consciousness. Together, we Co~Create the New Earth.
I AM Archangel Michael, always of Service to Love, to All of Creation, to Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly and Always Unconditionally. Blessings and Namaste.
Your Eternally Loving Brother,
Archangel Michael