Mars Crosses Galactic Center and Enters Capricorn
By Tanaaz
On February 13-14th, Mars aligns with the Galactic Center, a supercharged, potent spot in the cosmos. The Galactic Center sits at around 27 degrees of Sagittarius and as Mars crosses this point, it undergoes an upgrade of its energy.
With this upgrade, Mars is vibing high and is preparing to leave Sagittarius, with all this new knowledge and wisdom, for the sign of Capricorn where it will remain until March 30.
Mars has not been in Capricorn since March 2018, but as it enters this earth sign in 2020, it will be joining a slew of heavyweight planets including Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto.
Mars combining with these heavyweight planets is going to amplify the energy of this earth sign and help to bring about the high vibrational shifts that are playing out all through the year.
As Mars, fresh off the Galactic Center moves into this busy zodiac of the sky, we may feel a need to look at how we are using our energy, the motivations behind our goals, and what fears may be holding us back or driving our decisions.
As Mars meets both Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto at various points through its journey in Capricorn, it is also going to elevate and energize their vibrations, strengthening their message.
You can read more about the significance of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn and the message they are sharing here.
Mars in Capricorn is a very ambitious placement, but also a methodical one too.
We may feel ourselves needing to slow down in order to achieve our goals. We may find ourselves needing to pay attention to the smaller details before proceeding ahead.
Mars wants us to push past our fears and blocks so we can head out into the world and get things done. Capricorn however, wants us take our time and ensure the rules, laws, and natural order is followed.
Balancing these energies will be key during this time, and amazing strides can be made if we take our time and ensure we are crossing our t’s and dotting our i’s.
Mars Changing Signs Exercise
As Mars crosses the Galactic Center and moves signs, it’s also a great time to review and assess your overall energy levels. Here’s a little exercise to help-
1.) Write down 10 things you do on a daily basis that may zap and deplete your energy levels. If it helps you can start each item on your list with – “It’s exhausting when…”
For many, anxious or repetitive thinking, worrying about the opinions of others, indecision, and fear of making the wrong choice can all be things that deplete energy.
Lifestyle choices like our diet and exercise routine can also play a role as well.
2.) Look at your list and then make it a point to bring awareness to when you notice yourself doing these things throughout the day. You can also think of ways to replace these habits too.
3.) If you like, you can also further open to these energies by reciting this prayer/mantra-
“I ask to become aware of all that depletes me. I ask to be drawn to all that nourishes, nurtures, and supports my energy levels. I ask to become more mindful of the thoughts I choose to keep. Thank you.”
After repeating the mantra, pay attention to what comes up or where you feel drawn.
While we will all feel this energy, here is a short summary of the themes for your Sun sign. If you know your Rising Sign, read for that too-
Mars in Capricorn for Your Sign
This energy will be guiding you to focus on boundaries, but not just the boundaries you need to create with others but the boundaries you need to create with yourself too. Being patient, waiting your turn, letting others lead the way, these are all things you may be called to do under this energy. While it may be frustrating to give up control, see where you can be in an open state of giving and receiving while also having healthy boundaries in place.
This energy will be guiding you to let go of perfectionism and just “do”. If you have been holding yourself back because you don’t feel ready or out of fear, this energy may give you the push you need to take a leap of faith and give things a try. Under this energy, think about where you may be holding yourself back out of fear of not being good enough. Think about where you may be aiming for perfectionism that just isn’t attainable. Once you identify any areas, see if you can create a shift by addressing any feelings of shame or just by becoming aware of when they show up.
This energy will be guiding you to look after your health and wellbeing, not just on a physical level but on a spiritual level too. Your spiritual connection is deepening and this is a time where you are really being asked to go within and listen to your inner compass. You may have lots of ideas or projects bubbling away in your mind, but it’s your heart that knows the way. As always, if you need some help deciphering what is happening within, begin writing down your thoughts and feelings till you can write no more.
This energy will support you finding a mentor, coach, therapist, or teacher. If you are looking for any of these things, put your feelers out there during this time as you are sure to get some great leads. If you need some support, this would be a good time to speak up and reach out for help, whether it’s at home or in the office. You can’t do it all alone, and you don’t have to. This is also a time to think about balancing your needs with the needs of others in all the relationships in your life. Don’t burn the candle at both ends.
This is a great time to focus on your fitness. If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or just be fit and healthy, this is a great time to make it a priority. This energy will be supporting any new diet or lifestyle plan you may have in mind and helping you to stick with it for the long term. While you may feel amped up under this energy, be aware of burnout or pushing yourself too hard. Be sure to listen to your body under this energy and if you need to rest, be sure to do that too.
This energy will spice up your love life and help you to feel more passionate. Channel this energy into your work or relationships. You may find you feel more energized when you spend quality time with your partner or friends. This is also a great time to socialize and put yourself out there- you never know who you may meet. Your creative energy will also be high and you will feel unstoppable. Write all your good ideas down.
Under this energy, you may be guided to bring an end to bad habits that have been blocking your productivity or zapping your energy levels. Think about what you need to thrive throughout the day and then work on creating a schedule that mirrors that. You may also find yourself needing to have a difficult conversation with a family member or roommate, but you may wish to get your anger out first before approaching them. This energy is also great for cleaning out the clutter from those cupboards.
This energy will be guiding you to speak up however, tread carefully. While you may want to keep it real and say it like it is, you may have to be a little more tactful and use some of that watery energy to bring a little compassion to whatever you have to say. Don’t be hard on yourself during this time either, and if you need, bring some of that soft, compassionate energy towards yourself.
This is a fantastic time for you to think about ways you can bring in extra income or perhaps add a little extra to your savings account. Open yourself to receiving as this energy can be positive for your finances. On a deeper level, this energy will guide you to release any fears you may have around your self-worth and feelings of acceptance. We all feel like we don’t belong sometimes, but you are not alone! There is a tribe out there for you, put yourself out there, be patient, and give yourself time.
This is a 5-star placement for you and a great time to get to work on those projects that may require a lot of your time and patience. The Universe will be giving you a boost of energy, so be sure you are open to receiving it! You may also feel drawn to take a trip, read a book, or take a course that brings about a new level of self-discovery or self-growth. This is also a time where your habits and energy levels are transforming, so make some positive new choices.
This energy is helping you to purge old motivations that no longer serve you. You may find yourself feeling burnt out and in need of some rest and relaxation. Allow this energy to recharge your mind, body, and soul. Be patient with the process and re-evaluate your goals and the driving force behind them. While you may feel like you are not making much progress in the physical world, Mars in Capricorn will be helping you to make progress in your inner world. The inner work you do during this time will propel you further in the future.
This energy will be giving you added support to go after your goals and dreams. Take a moment to think about something you would like to do or create this year. Visualize it in your mind, write it down on paper, and then use this Mars energy to set the wheels into motion. In order to step into the vibration of receiving and attracting your dream, find ways to help others achieve theirs. In this flow of giving, you will receive.