woensdag 19 februari 2020

Energy Update ~ Celia Fenn

Today the Sun moved into Pisces, bringing a deeper and softer energy than the intense Aquarius energy we have been experiencing for the last month.

We are not out of the Aquarius Gate energy yet though, because tomorrow is the 20/02/2020. All those 2's again...adding up to 8!

In the US you would have 2/20/2020...also 8.

Yep...just a last echo of the powerful shifts and energies that we have been riding since mid January.

Because Mercury has also gone into retrograde, I would advise a quiet day on the 20th. 

Allow yourself to feel the deep levels of Soul and Self that are accessible at this time.

Connect with Soul and Higher Self.
You are Diamond Light Dancer.
You hear the Song of your Soul.
Be at Peace.
Swim in the deep Cosmic Waters where you find your original Divine Source energy.

All is in Divine Order.