New Live Powerful Equinox Interview Tomorrow
Join us to Activate, Expand and Receive
(Replays will be posted by BTO after)
Join us to Activate, Expand and Receive
(Replays will be posted by BTO after)
Are you READY to embrace more as LOVE? Are you ready to break out/through all of that old programming YOURSELF and LIVE YOUR MOST MAGNIFICENT DREAMS HERE?
THIS 12D Template, combined with the acceleration of PHOTONIC LIGHT INFLUXES to activate each on a deep deep deep cellular level is a topic that we keep expanding upon as we all go.
PHOTONIC LIGHT does/is many things. The "list" is endless/infinite. These are FREEDOM CODES through each Living as Higher Consciousness Light BEings here. These are "Conscious Choice" and "Conscious Creation" Codes. These are "Changing Illusions" Codes. These are "Re-write REALity Codes". These are POWERFUL BEYOND... because YOU/each one of us is POWERFUL BEYOND too.
I chose this massive Equinox Passageway and Corridor to come together with John again to share more Light Encoded Information relative to various multi-dimensional NOW's. Everything we are and do is to activate and provide that which EMPOWERS EACH to RETURN to SOVEREIGNITY through our PUREST, DEEPEST SACRED CONNECTION, that can only occur from deep within.
I invite you to bring your beautiful energy too, open up to RECEIVE LIGHT CODES transmitted through this conversation that will uplift, inspire and awaken more of the MAGIC that you are/hold, more of the PURE LOVE that you are/hold, more of the brilliance that you are/hold and more of the abundance that you are/hold.... so that you can CHOOSE to HOLD your highest states of consciousness too.... where are are all connected and aligned from the Depths and Core of our Entire BEing ... as ONE.
p.s. Yes, we also discuss saying no and stopping allowing/accepting the old. Each has to do this inside for the "outside" to vibrationally shift/align "faster/easier" for us all..... This "opposite" reality and Transcending Duality from within means you will SEE more, FEEL more and disconnect more... which is a very different "existence" than before. 5D is YOU as a SOVEREIGN LIGHT BEING, YOUR SOUL... living/existing in a physical reality, yet one that you vibrationally align yourself as Pure Love, while allowing all that is not to dissolve, fall away... It takes courage, boldness and a desire to no longer "be" in those realities anymore.... As your consciousness expands, it gets "easier", because you understand on a whole new level, one you didn't have access to before.
Seeing, birthing, holding, creating, building and living your NEW EARTH REALITIES fully... available to all truly ready for these Quantum Jumps now. ♥
I'll see you tomorrow!
Immense love and excitement,