Aloha Heart Expanding NEW Earth RAYdiance!
It's been awhile (again), as I've been so thoroughly inJOYing the magnificence of these energies
and all that presents through full presence, deep inner connection and
allowing for all to occur naturally, organically and simply..... where
pure peace, love, and unity exists..... I continue to "work" and "do"
daily, just differently than these last many years, because of all of
the new templates we are "installing" every month, that continually
shift/morph and expand all of our lives and roles here...
Yes, on a multi-dimensional level there is much going on (as each
dimension experiences "real"ity differently), where the "higher we go",
the simpler all is.... the "lower" our own vibration/consciousness, the
more complicated/challenging everything is, because there is more deeply
embedded ego-matrix programming that has to be unraveled/weeded through
by each, in order to create/achieve a full vibrational/energetic shift.
This is all a part of a vast multi-dimensional tuning, shifting,
clearing and expanding process....
Awakening shakes everything up, dismantles the old and loosens the
"hold/grip" that unconscious programmed beliefs/realities held.
Ascension takes everyone deeper inward to REALLY CONNECT, so that "other
dimensions" can be accessed, experienced and brought forth and FELT as
actual experiences/realities here. That "delving into the depths" is how
our "old" dies/dissolves and our NEW Earth is born, birthed,
accessed.... as a part of an increasing death/rebirth cycle that
accelerates to reach "Zero Point", where everything and nothing all
exist within the same SPACE. Reaching this "place/space" is challenging
at first, because of all of the linearity in the way.... yet as our
bodies completely relax, surrender and are allow for all to CONVERGE
INTO ONE.... this cycle changes in "frequency" and it's no longer a
"death", but a continual birthing process that increases as we all
go..... the "death" cycles change to energetic ones, as we no longer
"allow/perpetuate/play out" the old unconscious realities anymore. The
old "dies" as we expand INTO other dimensions that present all new
realities instead. It becomes "easy" to say "no" (no longer acceptable
as "real"ity) and move on to creating, building, living NEW EARTH AS OUR
ONLY REALITY..... which is very different, because it's Quantum, so all
is "done" energetically and through our own fully expanded
consciousness.... where the physical serves very different
"Leaving" (letting go of) the old ways is challenging and scary at
first, as the "new way" is through the fear.....which dissipates the
illusion and opens up portals to much higher dimensional realms. The
"fear" is a survival mode that's been deeply instilled within all.... so
"breaking free" from illusory beliefs means choosing a whole
new/completely different "real"ity (INSIDE) and allowing for that/those
realities to become "real", instead of shutting them down, dismissing
them or trying to control "how" like before....
HIGHER DIMENSIONAL REALITIES are of a much Lighter Density (so there are
floating, soft, tingly, foggy groggy feelings when we are
anchoring/shifting densities). In order to live them fully, our bodies
have to clear the immense density held. As we become LIGHT'r inside, we
learn to live free, in Divine flow and allow in ways we would not
before.... where each of our NEW (Earth) realities can "replace" the old
where each allows....
ANCHORING the new means HOLDING IT fully and APPLYING these new
codes/ways to our entire lives, which occurs as we integrate these
PHOTONIC CODES within our entire BEing.... and embracing our OWN LIGHT
fully, honoring ourselves/bodies fully, so that they/WE can literally
become Plasma Crystalline and transmit LIGHT out through our own field
.... naturally and organically, through presence and
heart-connection/consciousness ACTS....
HOLDING THE FIELD IN PLACE, means we are fully embodied, which means we
don't have to "try" at all.... it means that WE ARE BEING PURE LIGHT and
how we live our lives reflect this out and back in every FORM.....
INNER FREEDOM CODES continue to bombard... These are COMBINATION
CODES.... (PURE Joy, Peace, Purity, Love, Kindness, Caring, Openness,
Inner abundance, fulfillment, excitement, innocence and wonder-filled
through connecting on a much Deeper Level within ourselves =
REMEMBERING), which is so amazing to experience and feel. These SHOW
EACH infinite possibilities and then where there are/were
perceived/believed limits in place still and where they are not yet
fully free INSIDE, so that conscious choice/decisions/shifting can
dissolve the illusions of before.....
STABILIZING and holding your absolute highest everything fully, means
that you let a lot of things go that no longer support (are HIGHEST
aligned). Because NEW EARTH IS CONTRIBUTORY, then what you have to
"offer" comes from your PURE and DEEPLY CONNECTED HEART.... It's not
"things" at first (this comes as we truly get it/understand). Where you
don't hold the ego conditions and limits of before.... you do not shut
portals/doors, you don't limit the amount of LOVE shared, you don't
place limits on OPENNESS, CONTRIBUTING and SHARING --- only the ego
aspect does this. Recognizing your responses, your energy, your mindsets
and your own "stance" will show you so very much, when you are truly
paying attention and willing to actually see, then do what's highest
aligned for shifting everything vibrationally.....
Remember, these are vibrational realities, not linear ones.....
EVERYTHING IS ENERGETIC FIRST.... so the energy each holds, the energy
each transmits out, the energy and vibrational frequency
(density/linearity are heavy), dictate the frequency bandwidth each's
body occupies ...... and to shift our consciousness begins an alchemical
process (in the body) to LIGHT'en up/raise and literally shift into a
different/alternative reality to experience..... (it can be "that easy"
if all allow it to be).
SIMPLE and you have the capability to maintain the Geometric Constructs
of the UNIFIED FIELD FULLY from within yourself. You have the ABILITY to
shift anything or choose to release it, let it go, move on and shift
into a REALity that is much higher aligned.....
Yes, the old is dismantling in every way, re-configuring in every way,
as this is how Quantum REALities work (and long awaited for by us all).
NEW EARTH REALITIES are built upon a completely different/new FOUNDATION
(Purity/Unity/Love/Oneness) and "realities" are re-constructed
according to "new" (and intricate living, breathing, moving) Photonic
Geometric Codes and Sequences, where all is SIMPLE and vibrationally
aligned from our HIGHEST everything.... therefore everything is
constantly "moving, shifting, morphing, changing) as these geometrics
are constantly doing this.... inside and outside too.... in order for
all to TAKE NEW FORM.... and held in place from deep inside.... where
that purity and love exist.... where ONENESS is EXPERIENCED and
translates OUT through each's behavior, treatment and expression.....
silent or spoken, doesn't really matter, as the "transmission" is
ENERGETIC.... and "occurs" regardless of the words. It's a soft touch, a
kind word or gesture, a pure caring that the ego aspect doesn't hold.
It's a love so pure that it's FELT through inner
connectedness, beyond POWERFUL and so subtle at the same "time"....
which can take our breath away, leave us speechless and bring forth the
most profound depth of FEELings that we didn't have access to when we
existed in separation within ourselves before.... yet through Divine
Inner SOUL Union... we all do. And this is the "start
this is what BIRTHS..... a whole new reality to become
visible/experienced/felt from within our every moment/every day
This is what everything is.... Formless until materialization occurs....
you get to play with it, reshape it and shift it.... tweaking, tuning
and realigning all.... so that the vibrational match you
receive/experience can be as vibrationally aligned as you are....
Part of Mastery and Quantum Realities is living from your highest and
most Expanded States of Consciousness so fully that you allow "the new"
to come forth from WITHIN YOU..... and you "see" from deep within
you.... which means you are not "trying" like before.....
We stop "trying" and we connect deep inside, we expand, we integrate, we
JUST BE..... and we "do" each day as is highest aligned from deep
within.... so that all of those amazing and magical realities can
arrive/materialize/come forth with greater ease.....
InJOY your Quantum REALities! ♥ Where everything is available through
PURE PRESENCE and DEEP Sacred Connection from this space/now. ♥ Keep
your fully connected heart wide open, as shifting is a natural
occurrence when you do (and keep it open so you can "stay there"). ♥ The
dimensional experience you "have" is then a fully conscious
choice/decision and made/held in place by you! This will naturally "call
forth" new opportunities, experiences and realizations, because YOU ARE
OPEN and ready for this. ♥