dinsdag 26 januari 2021

The puzzle that opens the gate of Light ~ Danielle Stotijn

The puzzle that opens the gate of Light
The events in the past year have forced us to see, feel and understand the gates of control that create duality and seperation in humanity.
I would like to bring you back a few centuries before I can show you the connection between our loss of freedom, rights and the peace in our hearts, to the moment we are navigating right now.
The connection between the Covid smoke screen, the Biden movie and the Ascension of humanity.
The connection that has to errupt in the Event to open the gates and set us free.
Some puzzle questions to elude the thinking Mind, that has been so caught up with election fraude, that we forget to question why and where governments have become dirty with and with what?

Here we go:
What is the relation between royalty, elections, corona, the vatican, governments and energy?
Why was reincarnation removed from the bible centuries a go?
Why were we led to believe that there is a heaven and there is a hell?
Why are we all growing up with the conditioning of death as the end of excistence?
Why was humanity cut of from inate spirituality and separated in religion, race and politics?
Why do we believe God is an institution that can be found in a church?
Why do we believe that Love is something you need to deserve and find in someone else?
God is in you and in me, all around us, everywhere.
God is not out there, judging and ruling.
A long long time a go humanity was led a stray from our inate spiritual abilities and our connection through the earth grid ley lines to the Divine Source.
Deceived by a small group of people.
Separated from the God and Love we all are.
Seperated in the dark for centuries.
This small group is know as the Elite.
A dark force that benefits and literally feasts and thrives on the energy of fear and control.
This small group of so called elites, have continued over the course of centuries to control humanity by keeping them controlled under religious and government laws in fear and seperation in many, many ways.
Through religion, politics, banking, hollywood, pharmacy, education, media they have systematiclly rolled out their agenda of control throughout history.
Into the agenda of the year 2020/2021.
All under the covers of pandemic mind manipulation, frauding elections laws under the misuse of we the people,s trust.
Nothing is what is seemes.
They have build their churches on the earth Ley lines, to block and steel the energies for the purpose of dark control.
These leylines are the earth grid Wifi connected to the Universal ethers for the transmutation of frequencies of Unconditional Love for all.
This is our Life Force Energy!
Religion preaches separation meaning you’re separate from “Source”.
That is all an illusion.
Controlling the mass into believing that humans, this life, the Universe and even God is so much less than what is really our Truth.
Made to believe that we are completly dependend of external validation from God and from systems for our survival.
For centuries we have handed over our authority to land lords, royals and rulers.
We have grown blind and accustomed to these control systems.
We have been held into perceiving all this as “normal.
We have been living in a false illusion.
Due to incoming waves of Light and the incarnation of so many old wise autonomous souls over the past decades, times have changed.
We have gradually become more concious and able to see and hold the Light over the years to withstand and fight the darkness that is now about to fall.
Year by year, step by step we have come closer to the revalation of the Fall of the Elite.
The revelation from Dark to Light.
This is the Great Awakening.
A flood of Light will remove all darkness once the gates have been opened.
A storm will clear this planet for the heaven on earth that we can create together.
Together we can then build new ways of balance, of peace, of unconditional Love.
It is up to us to navigate this storm, to stay positive and remain in our hearts.
When we get through this storm we can start.
Start shinning our Light.
Start educating our childeren how to look after healing humanity and this planet with oneness conciousness and awarness of quantum spiritual and scientific universal laws.
Instead of learning how to lead a 9-5 job-mortgage-pension rat race life in fear and constant stress of failure, because of the illusion of separation and death.
Remember, darkness is just the absence of light. We will eventually become one with the Light.
We are the Light.
We are Love.
Were we go one we go all.
It is time.
Our souls are calling.
It is time for the Great Awakening