vrijdag 17 juli 2020

Stepping & Living in a Totally New Creation By Judith Kusel

Stepping & Living in a Totally New Creation

By Judith Kusel
When we allow ourselves to be emptied, totally emptied, the Divine Source, can fill us to overflowing, with Divine Light, Love, and Power and it brings about the total surrendering to the Divine in all and every form and way.

The Gifting which comes with it, goes beyond description.
At this momentous time, this filling is so vital, for it literally will lift us into the upper levels of the New Dimensions, and it will bring about a total surrendering to the Divine Will and Purpose for our Souls henceforth.

We are indeed, stepping and living in a totally New Creation!
Those in the 3D cannot tune into this high frequency and vibration, for the vibration of the 3D is too slow and too dense.

The higher your own vibrational frequency, the higher you can can move into multi-dimensionality thus into the higher dimensional state, which is indeed a non-Being, and yet embraces total All-Being.

Being, in this case to me, means filled with the Life-Force of the Divine itself, visible and invisible in all manifestations thereof and forms.

It works intensely with our Spinal column: this morning I saw that so clearly, for indeed, we are being transformed in immensely powerful ways, and the Spinal column holds not only the body upright, but is in fact a Divine Tuning Fork. It is through the Spinal column that we are tuned into the Cosmic Frequencies and through the heart center.

I am being led to go deeply into this, during my Spinal Column Webinar next weekend (see link below)

When we are being fine-tuned, we literally start vibrating – I do. It is an intense entering and total surrendering into a much higher vibrational frequency band and state.

The physical body thus has a hard time adjusting to these much higher vibrational frequencies, remembering that sound is vibration. Sound vibrates. And in the beginning it is clearly stated, there was SOUND (Word/Brahma).

We will feel as if everything is busy spinning out of our life, which no longer serves our highest soul growth and good, and that on planetary levels. Like a washing machine spins out all the dirt, so the Fires of Purification go deeply into what needs to be dislodged and dissolved and addressed at this time. 
We are being purified and as we are purified we rise in vibrational frequencies.
What a time to be alive and well and on planet earth!

What joy!
Judith Kusel
