We are currently in some of the most intense energies to hit Planet Tara and at this stage, it is affecting the body in profound ways. We, the new Humans of Earth have come down with particular Light Codes embedded in our DNA that throughout four great cycles of 36,000 years we have been learning, teaching and Karmically being “recycled”. These codes have now been activated within us at this time to open us to our Divine Star Blueprint.
So, what is happening to your body is HUGE. You are morphing your Star Lineage and Earth Lineage and becoming a superhuman that can traverse the 12th Dimensions of these Lower Worlds. This means how you think, act and create is drastically being changed but to sync these new codes the body as to go through a metamorphosis.
This is making us Exhausted, weak, we are having pain in all parts of the body especially where we hold the most density or trauma from this life and all our previous lives. For me, it is the Throat and speaking my truth without being condemned or Killed for it. Confusion, not knowing your next steps, feeling overwhelmed, tired and sick. Not being able to resonate with those once close to you and feeling like you are in a void are major themes of 2020.
For those of you that are newly awakened this is a time of realizing that everything you have once known to be “real” has been an illusion and for those of us that have been going through this for a hot minute this is a deep regenesis period of how we have known our bodies to function and exist here. For these next 13 years, you have to change your thinking and everything you thought you knew and connect to your higher mind and heart portal to lead the way in this auspicious time on New Earth. No one reality is the same and we are existing on different planes of consciousness so to look at another right now for direction or clarity is based on your depth of perception to what you are in alignment with. Everything is moving and weaving. There is not “set” reality.
Some things currently happening to the Body:
The Chakras: The Chakras are going through a massive recalibration that will eventually turn all 7 or 12 chakras into ONE. Our Light bodies will no longer hold 7 main Chakra portal it will be one major chakra that connects to the 12 Dimensions and the realm of the Elohim. the Ashtar Command is assisting with this as you connect to higher and deeper consciousness and as your body morphs to acclimate these new “powers”. You may be receiving codes of information in your sleep state or having visions of what is happening within your body right now…this is next level attunements.
Weaving New Realities: your body will perform based on the reality or paradigm in which you operate. Everything is an illusion or not exactly what you think it is especially with this pandemic sweeping Earth. Most of us lightworkers are getting caught up in the reality of DUALITY. We have to see where does this duality lie within us and dismantle THAT.
Now is the time to connect to Higher Knowing and ways of being. Will this disconnect you from most of the Collective sometimes as you weave your new realities? Yes. We are all in this together but the metamorphosis of our bodies is uniquely our own experience. You don’t have to tap into what everyone else is doing, thinking or being right now. This will cause confusion. Through deeply connecting to Self you aid the Collective to do the same; that is how we are interconnected.
Feeling Sick, Discombobulated, Not quite yourself: Major things are happening to you right now Starseeds and just know that you are morphing into EPIC light that has never been done before on this planet. You are feeling intense pain as the old rips from your body. Remembering all the light you once carried and with that remembrance comes ancient wisdom that you are tapping back into.
You are not the same and you will never be the same
You have volunteered to be here at this auspicious time in Earth’s evolution Divine Starseeds and Just know that you are doing an exceptional job. Every Being within our Omniverse that celebrates the Law of One and that holds the light of our Creator is cheering us on in this EPIC journey of remembering. Have radical patience, empathy and love for yourself Dear One and know that this won’t always be our state of being.
As we learn to trust the process we gain control of what we are taking in to aid in our Ascension and what has to now be dismantled for ease and flow in our Ascension Journey.
With so much Love and Respect Starseeds,
One Love