maandag 13 juli 2020

Only an empty vessel can be filled. ~ Judith Kusel

Only an empty vessel can be filled.

Only if you allow yourself to be emptied at this time, and allow all the old stuff, the old you, the old personas, the old programming, the old unforgiveness, the resentments, the fears, all which still is there pushing your buttons and all you are so desperately clinging onto, you cannot be filled to the brim with the new, and greater Divine filling of you!

When one is emptied of all ego, of all that stuff, when one is there fragile, cleaved open, nowhere to hide anymore, and no wanting to hide, no-thing: - that the Divine can truly enter and fill you to the brim. Indeed, this filling is so powerful, and so immense that it is indeed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Shekinah into you!

If you put your hand on your heart center, while deeply emptying all of you, the heart center can expand and expand, and thus Divine Love fills that center and it is through this center, that your whole being can expand into Divinity and the Divine within.

It is through the heart center, that the higher Soul Self rises, for the heart holds the Feminine Divine, while the Third Eye holds the Divine Masculine. When both are fully in balance, and harmony then Holy Spirit and Shekinah amplified the Divinity within and without.

This is what is happening at a vast scale now.
I experienced this profoundly, after I was literally told to go into deep retreat, and stillness and allow myself to be totally emptied. Indeed, the emptying was what I felt on all levels of life and being. All dissolved. All the old Timelines, all that I ever was before and expressed through personas and whatever masks I ever assumed: There was no-thing left.

It was when I was totally emptied, that I asked for Divine Filling. I cannot describe that filling.
Human language is too limited for what is indeed something one needs to experience and know - and then there is no need to express. IT IS!

I am sharing this with you, in love and total love.
For humanity indeed, is at a crucial time, when they can continue the old patterns, and forms and self destruct, as before: - or they can now dissolve it all, and be totally emptied, in order to receive the filling.

As long as ego reigns and separation, the filling cannot happen to the extent it needs to happen.
This applies to the individual soul, as much as to the collective.
This filling is ongoing now.
It is a breaking open - a cleaving open. It is a total emptying of the old Adam and Eve.
It is truly an emptying on all levels and it is profound.
The resurrection and rebirth in the highest degrees is in full swing.
And it is a return to Love, in the highest degrees. Unconditional love.

Judith Kusel