donderdag 16 juli 2020

Judith Kusel ~"It is a time when the Divine Feminine will return her teachings

"It is a time when the Divine Feminine will return her teachings and her priestesses will be out there, leading the world, as this transmitter channel is already doing.

It is the time when the deepest remembering of what once was so persecuted will come and be healed and these women will step fully into their powers. 

They shall lead humanity into the New Golden Age, and they will be like huge Pillars of Light, Love and Power, such as humanity has never seen before.

They are holding the immense unconditional Love, and Purity within their souls and they are returning the balance and harmony and the ultimate Equilibrium to humankind. 

These women have often taken on severe persecution, and took on the collective woes of humankind, and they are blessed beyond blessings. 

They are indeed the Salt of Earth, and the Enlightened Lamps of the world. They rise in the Power of Love, and they rise in the fullness of their being now. It is through them, that the New Earth is formed and brought into Creation.

Let the Call resound throughout earth as the Trumpets of the Divine Sound!"

Copyright Applies: excerpt from a Soul Reading done by me.

Judith Kusel