zondag 19 juli 2020

El Morya ~ Looking Through the Eye(s) of Love By El Morya

El Morya ~ Looking Through the Eye(s) of Love

By El Morya
Transformation happens when you surrender to the present MOMent of now, this is all we have in these MOMents as these 5D Energies enter the planet.  We can see the constant and consistent waves entering our vessel as we witness the Schumann resonance spike into high ranges of colors to the point of being undetectable-this is Mother God bringing in Heaven, Christ Consciousness to humanity.  We have Being connected to Mother having visions of these energies coming in, high-level ones in One MOMent, the most intense labor pains, as they said, which means we are rebirthing ourselves as Mother has already energetically birthed the New Earth and when we raise our consciousness to that level, we will live in it with Her.

Envision Mother Going to the starships, into Inner Earth to be healed, witness Her receiving Her pristine body in Her Full Glory as God HERSELF.  What an honor to allow these visions to flow through us, to support the highest timeline of Ascension for Mother Father & ALL upon this planet.  We must show gratitude for these moments, they are unlike any other in all of Creation! We are witnessing the rebirth of this Planet Earth=Heart, a representation for the Love Mother & Father have for each other.
Find this stillness within you, come from your Golden Heart Space, your Diamond Heart emanating Rainbow rays to Mother and across the planet, anchor this in during your tree mediation, and bring it with you every moment everywhere you go eternally.
EL Morya