dinsdag 7 november 2023


WE ARE EXPERIENCING A WORLDWIDE KUNDALINI ACTIVATION: ASSOCIATED ASCENSION SYMPTOMS : There are extremely intense energies flooding the planet as the Earth is Shifting into higher Conscious Timelines .The earth is upgrading , recalibrating and experiencing high and intense vibrational frequencies that are flooding our Planet and because of this there is a mass collective increase in ascension symptoms for most ascending individuals. 
Ascension Symptoms : Throat soreness, tightness, sudden need to cry/ scream/laugh/sigh, electrical zaps/tingles, body heat, spiritual depression, hip pain, lower back buzzing in the ears head pressure , Nausea , purging , loss of appetite , craving organic real food , Keeping to self , preferring to connect to source energy than with others , feeling your sacred connection and space with Ascension light team . Tingling in the crown chakra , seventh level ( violet ) warm sensations and feelings in the sacral third chakra ( yellow ). 
You may be experiencing Tightness in the neck area and a sore throat a symptom that occurs after you have expressed pent up emotions , after speaking your truth , fifth chakra ( blue ) , Waking up groggy , Heartburn , Stomach issues , Gas and bloated sensations , Frequent Headaches , Waking up feeling you are in a new timeline., Feelings of overwhelm , Neck/shoulder Tension , Body aches , Joint pain. 
are faced with the shadow aspect in self feeling stuck , feeling Suspended for a time and possibly anxious of the unknown , feelings of being held in a holding zone , what you are experiencing is the Void , purgatory, clearing out of the old repeated cycles in self. This is a big part of the Ascension awakening process , during these times of transition you may find your self not as interested in socialising .Feeling a stronger connection to nature, You may find your self ready to connect to other beings from your star system, vivid dreams about the past or future, a desire to move out of cities, experiencing strong synchronicities .
Clearing the Shadow : Dark night of the Soul Ascension Symptoms : Preferring to be isolated and alone , shutting out reality to protect the emotional heart space . Feeling stuck in mind control and repetitive patterns , difficulties expanding the limited perceptions . Depressive episodes , feeling emptiness within , crying to release the inner Emotional build up . Longing for something more than what is currently around you . Dehydration, Constipation , Body Pain , craving sugar , craving caffeine , acne , skin irritations , vertigo . Foot pain . Heaviness in the Heart , not feeling ready to see or accept things for the way they truly are , holding on to false hope . Feeling people’s true intentions and negative energies , Childhood trauma memories resurface . 
This is a temporary stage and not the most pleasant one to experience . There is no avoiding this internal ascension work . This is the purging of negative / dark internal aspects which can activate the internal fears and anxiety . This stage is extremely important for transformation and for moving into your higher timelines in new earth energy . 
This stage can feel uncomfortable and even excruciating for many , if you find yourself experiencing the dark night of the soul in any stage of your ascension , you are not going crazy , insane or losing your mind , the only things you are truly losing are the parts of Self that were corrupted with the false programming and conditioning fabricated for mass control originating from the 2- 3D heirachy and draconian matrix . 
There are major aspects to recognise all false things embedded in self that are not in vibrational alignment with higher self ,They will need to be replaced by Truth , before we allow truth to set us free , the ego part will always put up a struggle and will want to cling to the old and familiar , it will convince the mind to remain in the safety of the existing comfort zones. 
As we Ascend we come to realise we can’t keep running and hiding from the truth one Infact goes with the other , on the ascension path we will remain in the descension levels until we are fully ready and willing to accept the truth for the way it is in self , all people , things , situations , places and spaces. 
The reason many find Ascension difficult is due to the resistance of accepting Truth and accepting things for how they really are . Ascension will require individuals to make changes. Ultimately the Truth which is the most indestructible energy is the only energy to liberate you from false structures. Truth will shatter all and any illusions , helping you to recognise what was and is holding you back . Ascending Starseeds on Earth are the Truth Seekers, Truth resides in the 5D beyond Concious dimensions .Ascending souls are the 5d pioneers on Ascending new Earth . 
The Ascension symptoms you may possibly be experiencing will last any where between 3-5 days , 11-11 gateway activation will be a big game changer for many Ascending souls . 
The 5D Concious Reality / You are receiving a total heart and central column recalibration. This recalibration will activate the new levels of higher self expression .This helps you to feel everything more deeply and completely from a place of truth , divine connection, love and compassion. 
Channeled with Love for the Ascending Collective . By Ascension LightWorkers