dinsdag 7 november 2023

Frequencies and codes for inner heiro-gamic union ~ Morgan Lee

Frequencies and codes for inner heiro-gamic union, our sacred marriage within, arrived around 4th November, 4–11, and at this time, I was taken through a process of consciously rewriting a time line associated with a masculine. To re-write that timeline, from a birds eye view, the observer point of view. Some how at the same time I was re-writing my own his-story.
Having Seen that reflection as my own masculine now, and fully owning and transmuting all of it , I was then able and to give him (me) a revised script, like revised old memories through the eyes of pure love
He was invited to take a bow, and be honoured and revered, for a job brilliantly done. I watched him move away like he was lighter now. We were both congratulated for playing our roles to perfection.
Later on the following day, there was some intense transmuting to be done, mine personally was around betrayal , with what felt like life times, of density to be let go of, and mostly around how I had betrayed myself, in all of those lives. This last one, this life, a perfect synopsis, of all of it.
On 7-11, an inner activation, of incredible blues and greens, merging, with magnificent, tones of Turquoise type colours expanded through the field, and I assumed it was the heart and throat chakra’s aligning, but more than just that. The crown chakra, incredibly expanded in size, and it felt like I had my own satellite dish, attached to my head. I was asked if I would agree align with the will of Mother Goddess/Father God, source, and also myself, would I commit completely to me, to choose me in all moments.
Funny thing, a dear friend, Huong messaged me yesterday and told me , that all we need to do is recommit to ourselves. I had no idea, at the time the importance of her message.
During this activation, the masculine principal, ignited fully from within, and at first, looked like a male light body, and moved immediately and directly towards the feminine principal, which looked like a female light body, there were now two light beings in my field and they were magnetized towards each other, nothing was going to stop this merging and they very quickly and powerfully became one with each other.
The sensation exactly the same as merging, with another, only this time, an experience of heiros gamos with the self. And it was a soft, gentle, powerful, slow motion cosmic orgasm and it felt as though, every cell in my being, was getting a gentle massage and lighting up and the lights were being turned on, in my DNA.
There was an immediate sense of safety in all creation.
And a feeling of death and birth, simultaneously, as this occurred.
I was told that over the next couple of days, to allow for full embodiment of this merged frequency, two parts of our internal triad, to have some time to integrate and practice with these new codes and I am told on the 9-11 (my favorite numbers) another activation, will occur, to prepare each individual for a collective ignitions, and anchoring it into the field, the grid, each one of us, a part of the grid as the greater code of unconditional love and sacred union, the new higher power of union, for earth, collectively ignited on 11:11
With this coding activated from within, and now projected out into the field, those who choose to, will create a mirror or experience of this into their lives.
There are many who have already done this, those who opened the gates, held the codes and the frequencies, until this divine time, where we would move forward in waves, to activate these new codes within the Grid itself.

The whole time I was typing this
The song
No woman , no cry
Was playing in my head