vrijdag 10 november 2023

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

10 November - 21 November 2023
A period of cascading LIGHT containing waves as frequencies of vibrational SOUND.
If this is one’s predominant state of consciousness, there may be an increase of mental, emotional or physical instability, or inner difficulty. Thought-forms may become louder…of the ego. Or acted upon based on the intensity of the ego’s fear, control or desire. Remember the ego can be positive and/or negative in how it thinks, speaks and acts. Yet it is still the false self, not the true Self. Whilst this will be evident at Worldwide Stage level as increased unrest, it initially arises at individual human being level, within many human beings individually.
You won’t be affected as you are consciously The Light Body, outside of the human vehicle / human avatar state of consciousness and being. But if you drop consciousness back into your human avatar consciousness state (personality), you may also be in discomfort mentally, emotionally or physically as described above. You will be knowing to keep focusing AS Light Body and where that is leading to.
With nearly 8 billion worldwide, each will be affected or unaffected uniquely. Dependent on:
1] The human avatar personality traits,
2] The percentage of human ego still in operational control of the human self,
3] The state of consciousness.
To remember, that these are vibrational levels, of sounds, and unprecedented amounts of cascading light that human beings generally, find difficulty dealing with, adapting to and integrating into their physical human bodies and brain.
Compassion, love and the greater ability to sensitively and deeply understand the diverse forms of suffering each and every human avatar can experience within themselves, no matter how they may express that, is key, to advancing your own consciousness within. Love.
Just be that simple, uncomplicated, infinite Love...for all. That the true Self always is. Without exception. It just iS. The Divine Love.
With Love
10 November 2023