maandag 13 november 2023

Energy Update ~ Mary Long

We are going to encounter some of the darkest parts of ourselves as we continue transitioning and clearing everything that is left within us.
These things that trouble us will not come with us to our Higher Dimensional Earth, it is a place of Balance where Love is the solid force that will sustain us. Sure, there will still be darkness, but it will come into balance very quickly because the Frequencies are so much higher that it can't take a strong hold of our minds.
We will all be in a Space of No Mind and we most likely will not even remember the lower dimensional earth because we will be beginning a New Journey of Oneness.
These are confusing times for some that are still trying to grasp all this, I know it was for myself as first. Once I started letting go of the need to know and just flowing with Life all I questioned became quite clear where there was no emotional doubt left.
The higher we continue to go the less we will need to engage in the lower densities that held us captive like slaves to our overthinking minds.
We will Live in unity as one Divine Presence where telepathy and teleportation will be normal. Our telepathic gifts are open and have been since 2012. The more we practice this with others the more common it will become.
I have not yet communicated completely telepathically but I know that some I have do hear me, and it is quite obvious for me when I know what I am going to be doing before I get to work because I can hear my client's thoughts at times. Or it just comes to me out of nowhere.
As our bodies continue to recalibrate and adjust to the higher frequencies, we will notice things we can do that we never knew we could do before, such as seeing through the facade we are still dealing with until everyone's consciousness catches up.
For me everything is consciousness and within that there are frequencies, vibrations and light codes that are helping us to transition to a higher frequency body, crystalline in Nature.
There is so much going on within us right now that I can't wait to go inwards and explore even more.
Enlightening times to be here on Planet Earth even though the forces that were keep trying to hold us back.
Divine Love can't be controlled or taken from us unless we allow it.
This is why it is vital we stay peaceful through all that is occurring because the more we feed the distortions being presented to us we are actually feeding their energy and it does make it escalate.
Have a Magical Monday afternoon Dear Ones.
May all Beings Know Peace and feel the Love that is deeply rooted in their Hearts