woensdag 8 november 2023

ANOTHER LONG NIGHT? HIGH SOLAR WINDS, ELECTRON FLUX TOO. Good news, today will settle a bit. A Girl in the Universe

ANOTHER LONG NIGHT? HIGH SOLAR WINDS, ELECTRON FLUX TOO. Good news, today will settle a bit.
You are living in a time when energy is being sent to you daily.
Some days feel like it's so high that you're unsure you can handle it, but you do!
You've made it through every single day so far, and today is no different.
Expect to experience some settling in the energies as you go through the day.
Oh, they're still going to be high, just not like the last four days.
Yesterday, the Solar Winds hit 706 km/s. Anyone counting them in a million mph doesn't realize they always flow that high.
Yesterday's wind speeds were double the average speed. Much like you driving 110 mph in a 55 mph speed zone. It's a noticeable increase.
Winds will be elevated today but then settle.
We have chances of R1 & R2 Radiation Storms around the planet as Solar Flares come in.
The biggie today is the Electron Flux Energies. They started to alert yesterday at high levels. That will continue today and tomorrow.
All of these energies coming in are helping you grow in your energetic body.
Your energy and vibration are rising, expanding out to rise to the highest vibrational level you can hold.
Every moment, you learn something new about you, the world, and the true universe you live in.
Everything is coming together now precisely as it's meant to be.
Claim what you want to experience. Set intentions and bring it in.
You chose to walk this path, and hand-picked every obstacle on your journey.
Now is the time to connect into you and learn all you can about YOU.
The doorway to all knowing is not on YouTube or TikTok. It's within YOU!
Tap in and truly find your truths, knowledge, and origin story.
You truly are a Divine being.
The Light is coming, are you ready?!
Much love and light,