zaterdag 22 oktober 2022

WAYSHOWERS: A gentle sharing, to support in current times…Amanda Lorence

A gentle sharing, to support in current times…
22 OCTOBER 2022:
Today (yet brewing energetically for a few days now) is a very subtle, yet POTENTIALLY massive JUNCTURE POINT for EACH.

To choose to get immersed in the outer multi-frequency realities which create IN the SUSTAINED POLARITY of 3d and 4d. Or choose to remember it is BUT an illusion and bring focus INWARDS, BACK to Self and your own embodiment stage. Whatever that stage is. To observe ONLY YOURSELF, in how you respond, how you react, what you think, what you say and do. What you are focusing on.

To remain aware, we are observing multi-dimensional REALITIES playing out, all over this planet.

All wars, be that of countries, within political parties, groups, families, friends, schools, work places, partners etc, START by ONE SINGLE THOUGHT WITHIN the polarised field of separation. All wars and division START only within the MIND of initially ONE BEING, that spreads if spoken, written, where others agree on that same DIVISION. Wars are either about control or fear that starts from WITHIN ONE personality’s own MIND. An internal WAR of POLARISED THOUGHT, brought into ACTION.

Where the TWO hemispheres of the BRAIN have not YET reached a BALANCED equilibrium state of unison, peace and harmony WITHIN. This is evident on the world stage and within all governments AND within the Astral Realms (a lower 4d FIELD of unmanifested energetic form). Sustained division, of a mind desiring control, or a mind set in it’s own fears. When any DRAMA appears in the solid reality hologram OR in the astral realms, it is shown only, to AID a HIGHER CHOICE than the fear or the control being shown. So easily, again and again, many on a SEEKING (spiritual) PATH can immerse BACK into the ILLUSION itself, thus make a polarised choice, from a trauma based fear or a sustained programme need to control.

To remember, that every time you give time and energy to PARADIGMS you are here to rise out of (3d and 4d) you literally ARE PLAYING, immersed WITHIN the paradigms you are here to ascend out of. Most didn’t choose to come to Earth to create a NEWER divide which ONLY sustains and CREATES, NEW ideas and actions of separation WITHIN a field of polarity. Yet each can, if they choose to. There IS no right or wrong choice. There is ONLY YOUR path; your choices.

Through choices, we can unknowingly FEED the ‘old way’ that has been sustained THROUGH control, fear and division for thousands of ‘years’ and ‘lifetimes’. Yet many are TRULY here for a higher reason. To become, an EMBODIED STATE of consciousness living in 5d frequencies OR ABOVE. Sustained IN your everyday life with the body. At sustained yet varying higher energetic frequencies (we always fluctuate in hertz).

Many of the 3d and 4d practices and beliefs are gradually and quietly DROPPING AWAY within EACH BEING, when each move into the higher octaves of 4d, as they ready themselves to rise into 5D and above. We take ONLY the increasing LOVE within us, that IS God’s ENERGY at variable octaves of frequency hertz. Where we live, thrive and CREATE from CONSCIOUSNESS ItSelf. A completely different way of being and living, than the previous consciousness states. Where there is no division, no separation, no divide. It was JUST a temporary experience of separation. There is just LOVE and diversity, IN UNITY.

The choice is to allow the old to dissolve OUT of you, or hold on to it. The choice, is to harmoniously allow all others their OWN journey or allow EGO to judge and interfere INTO another’s DIVINE FIELD and their PATHWAY. The choice is to trust, or not trust another’s journey and design. For God is within ALL beings. For ALL beings outside of you, are ACTORS in YOUR reality.

At times of seeming chaos, or upsets, the Personality MODE of being can kick in, in it’s forgetfulness, that ALL OUTSIDE of you, are but ACTORS in YOUR MOVIE, for YOU to make YOUR highest choice, again and again.

So, to gently and peacefully remind: to ONLY OBSERVE when another outside of you is in a state of judgement, for they are an actor in your film. If you are in judgement of another, it is just to OBSERVE YOURSELF immersed within YOUR OWN MOVIE, inside the POLARITY FIELD. You can choose to sustain your own polarity or choose again…As each move through their own path stages, separation dissolves within each. Judgement IS the last thing to dissolve. From WITHIN. No one can do this for you. So keep choosing what, where and who to give your energy, focus and time to. Observe your own energy change when you engage in separation. Also, does a viewpoint outside of you only serve to inflate your ego? And therefore feed and sustain the polarity FIELD you are here to leave? For often, it can be the ego that feels ‘good’. Whilst the heart waits subtly and quietly to be felt and be lived from in Unity.

So often, when there is any DRAMA SCENE presented from the holographic reality, people can get triggered, immerse INTO that scene. When in truth, the SCENE presents for EACH as a gifted opportunity to make their HIGHEST DIVINE CHOICE. The highest divine choice is LOVE WITHIN the UNIFIED FIELD. Not just love for self. Or choice for self. For that is PERSONALITY. It is limited Love and choice within 3d and lower-mid 4d. The Highest choice will be of a Love, inclusive of ALL, including your Self.

We came, to bring in a HIGHER sustained frequency the world has not known. You are the one to do this. To do this, you Fully Embody at your designed perfect timing. We embody more easily by whatever form of KNOWING we have within us, that the OUTER is each one’s own holographic reality. Presented in EVERY MOMENT for each to make highest choice. When that highest choice is sustained again and again, each leave 3d and 4d as a higher sustained frequency hertz STATE that is not available in the polarised field frequency ranges. Outside of it we live, exist from Consciousness ItSelf. As the change we came here to BIRTH by anchoring it, grounding it into our every day walking and wakeful state. Then BUILD from it. As you HOLD those higher frequencies, energy emits OUT. As energetic ripples that permeates the energetic fields around you. This is what you are. Energy. As you emit that higher sustained frequency, it affects. So more awaken and arrive, as they move higher, more quickly, than we did, as ‘time’ seemingly speeds up within the time continuum.

So they SHALL come.
So your ONLY focus, is to embody. And be that, for thyself in YOUR own UNIQUENESS, Soul Embodied, in Service to God. Where in this State, your Will is aligned with the Will of God. The same WILL. Not separated Will of the Personality. All is the diversity of One, of God’s Love, through your Eyes, your Heart and your Testimony.

Please only take what resonates for you, as I only continuously share and serve, in my own way, in the hope it assists even one being.

Always with Love,
22 October 2022