vrijdag 28 oktober 2022

Energy Update ~ Grace Solaris

An eruption of stuck emotions and rigid energy is predestined with the upcoming full lunar eclipse in conjunction with Uranus. Be ready to have the blanket pulled beneath your feet. We can no longer hold on to the river bank of stuck emotions in our painbody, we have to let go and learn to trust in the flow as the conduits of light that we came to be.

Not be trapped in mind´s horror house of worst case scenarious... but to fully trust in the benevolence of life. The level and speed of awakening being acentuated thru a consistent potent light inpour from the sun is catered and tailored to facilitate an overall shift of all levels of existence, all levels of your being. The solid becomes fluid, the dense become light, the unconscious becomes conscious. All is seeking to be brought into the light of ONE.

The unconscious seeks to be conscious as it is the nature and law of the opposites to unite. It is the dance of the galaxies of dark and light, expanding and giving birth to itself and it happens thru each of us. AS each water drop contains the ocean, the ocean contains each waterdrop. All is interconnected, interrelated intrinsicly part of the whole. After the dark ages that we are now leaving behind, the kali yuga, we now are faced with the grand awakening to god and the realisation that god is within and inseparable from who we are.

We are waking from a dream. The karmic wheel of separation, which was caused by misconcept and miscarriage of soul... a fall into oblivion.. a deep sleep where we were numbed and drugged into believing in an external creator, represented by a selected authority to whom we sold our divine might in return for being reigned and rendered powerless. This illusion however can no longer exist as we are being upgraded and uplifted by the immense impact of the photonic light, which are waves of upgrades of pure source divine intellegence catered to facilitate the evolutionary shift which is occuring collectively.

The entrappment in the matrix program of separation mindcontrole (divide and conquer) is rapidly being detangled with this high frequency incoming light. The entanglement unravels deep wounds, false flag beliefs and lies externally as well as internally, a collapse of our understanding of the world at large, even of the physical laws. We are forced to think outside of the 3D framework of our mind, outside the constrictions of duality.

The veil between the real and unreal is thinning to the point that you can even see the two simultaniously and this can cause confusion, disorientation and anxiety. Anger, disbelief and cognitive dissonance can cause depression and stagnation as the hologram is falling apart in front of our eyes. Resistance and reluctance to let go of these false "realities" and the misconcept of who we are is triggered by ego, as it feels unable and unwilling to be pushed out in the unknown, fear and anxiety or even panic can surface.

There is no solid proof of matter to hold on to. Our body and even the synapses in our cells are turning crystaline and can no longer operate on lower frequency bands as the spinning of our cells are increasing radically thru the incoming photonic light and frequency upgrades that we are subject to.

The need to own and acknowledge ourself as creators of our reality is imperative for us to navigate thru the eye of the needle unbeknownst our destination. Actually by the falling away of the foundational laws of duality, like time as a concept, there is no longer a destination. In the piscean age we were destined and trapped to ongoing birth, death, rebirth cycle. As we are moving onto higher octaves of light these physical laws changes in coherence with the changes in our consciousness. It is paramount to let go of these old concepts as the keep our mind trapped in 3D linear thinking, which will cause synapse collapse confusion and disorientation.

There are no roadmaps and no intellectual method that can navigate us thru these unchartered waters of this new oceanic playground and frequency of the Quantum Source Field. Like blind moles having to feel their way, we have to trust in our heart and follow our inner compass. Our sacred heart space is the safe haven and light house we can always rely on and return to as we thrust ourself deeper into the unknown depth of the unconscious to meet our creator the conscious omnipresence of god within, that permeates all beings and all life... now with unprecedented force we are subjected and urged to surrender, to become liquid in mind and heart... to give way for god to show the world in a brand new light and allow for all fakeness and lies to drop away.

Giving up all controle and allow life to live itself thru you with no attachments to fit into our idea or concept of the possible. Instead surrender to the inner knowing of IAMPOSSIBLE beyond the impossible, the rainbow starts and ends in the heart. There is no here, no there, no past no future. Only now matters and is where this new earth is being birthed thru each of us.

Grace Solaris