zondag 30 oktober 2022


The Divine Plan is Unfolding.
As we the Collective head towards 5D and the Golden Age of Enlightenment.
There are many Truth's and Unfoldings coming out to the Forefront as Humanity takes its Rightful place as Galactic Family.
Whilst the Transition is Challenging at this current stage Remember why we came here which is to Anchor the Light and share the Wisdom of the Ages of who we are.
This is a steady process Light Family so it's important to remember that as the old saying goes Rome wasn't built in a Day.
We as First Wavers are now more than ever required to continue to Anchor the Light for Humanity and Gaia.
The Energetic Grid lines, Ley lines are Gaia are Realigning to the higher vibration and as humans having this experience shall feel the impact as we Align further with ourselves.
Many Souls are still Unconscious to the Unfolding here of Humanties Evolution here and what they are.
We are all Connected energetically to Gaia and everything.
We will see the most Phenominal shift in Awareness and Humanity's Consciousness rise for all who want this.
What a Incredible journey we are all on here, each intricate experience here is designed for the Divine Remembrance of who we are to Connect further with ourselves and source.
Since we are never disconnected it's the Human experience that we are shedding to come into Alignment with our True Divinity and Origins.
Infinite blessings and Love to you all Beloved Hearts Light Family we are One.
Love Seraph.