zaterdag 22 oktober 2022

The time of miscreation is over ~ Judith Kusel

The time of miscreation is over.

From now on, as the shift in heart-centeredness intensifies, all which is created, will be created with love, within the Divine laws, with pure intent, in the highest and best ways for the greater good of all.

It becomes a way of life and living.
In truth, we are Love.
Love can only cocreate lovingly.

This means that the seeds of the highest love are sown with the purest intent, and lovingly nurtured and tended into form and being.
Love is eternally present in whatever it created.

The energies released now, are so powerful, that all miscreations are surfacing and being transmuted.

All is being transfigured.
There is no going back.
The Age of Love is here.
One heart.
One soul.
One Divinity.