zaterdag 1 oktober 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence


INCOMING ENERGIES: VERY STRONG Incoming Energies just started (7.45pm U.K. time). I don’t post all INCOMING as it’s 24/7 and has been for years now. In ALL moments, we receive INCOMING ENERGIES. I just post when I feel there is something significant or a change to the frequencies, vibrations, light code patterns, or anything else that’s new WAYSHOWERS: INCOMING ENERGIES: VERY STRONG Incoming Energies just started (7.45pm U.K. time). I don’t post all INCOMING as it’s 24/7 and has been for years now. In ALL moments, we receive INCOMING ENERGIES. I just post when I feel there is something significant or a change to the frequencies, vibrations, light code patterns, or anything else that’s new compared to years of increased INCOMING ENERGIES.

But as I’ve said for many many years now, to expect continuous INCREMENTAL increases to the Incoming Energies strength, spin, vibrations and multiplicity of LIGHT encoded patterns to the body. Year on year, more people now feel these energies. Don’t worry if you don’t, you don’t have to feel them. This is a natural change occurring due to our position moving within the Photon Belt. The physical body integrates and adjusts to all increases. It takes 3 solar days to integrate any days incoming energies with it’s light encodings. The increases in HERTZ values create a FASTER and FASTER photon spin within our physical cells. We become a higher hertz frequency at our own individualised baseline of frequency. If you struggle, try and let your muscles relax by whatever means. Notice any resistance and let go of any mental or physical resistance. This will ease your experience. Be the flow rather than resist the flow. Nobody in the world receives more than their own body can withstand. But all receive more and more as we all go higher in Hertz Frequency. If you choose to work with incoming energy, we MERGE INTO these INCOMING ENERGIES at Will, and become one with them, we work WITH THEM. This also has the affect of more expansion into our own ENERGETIC FIELD and adds to our capacity to absorb more energy. Thus we can take on more and more energy as the INCOMING ENERGIES increase and increase in HERTZ value. This allows us to absorb as much as our bodies can possibly withstand at a given Timeline to come (Event Wave). Every human being is receiving and playing their part and it all adds up to what WILL become HUMANITIES increased FREQUENCY BASELINE. Our bodies are for now receiving and adjusting to a faster spin within us. In order that our bodies are prepared enough to meet the Event Wave. The Event Wave is both an INTERNAL as well as EXTERNAL Event of a one-off frequency emission that shall be incrementally received by ALL based upon what each body can withstand. So to not ever WAIT for the Event Wave to happen to you, or mentally feel at the mercy of increased energies to your 4 bodies. Or to wait for the world to change around you. BUT…to choose to embrace this journey, and work, work, work with ALL of your 4 bodies (mental, emotional, physical, etherical) in order to become ONE with your own ENERGETIC FIELD. As within, so without. But if in doubt, just try and relax with the incoming energies you receive. That’s the easiest thing to do. And let go…For if we physically or mentally resist, we lower our own energetic frequency (that we emit) and in turn this adds to lowering the accumulative COLLECTIVE frequency. Instead, you can be excited about it (which will raise your frequency and ease any uncomfortable symptoms) and be excited about what we are truly ALL a part of. Together as One. So much Love Amanda Lorence 30 September 2022