zaterdag 1 oktober 2022

Comfort ~ The Lemurian Unicorns


As we surround you in Diamond light we bring our message of comfort today
As the energies become harsh we can easily fall into a quiet despair, a state of being where try as we might the feeling of hopelessness encroaches in the background
We have come to you today, to give you a much needed energy boost as we see such a bright future on the horizon
With your permission we ask you to take a moment to imagine diamond white light showering down upon you now angel as we bring you our blessings and deepest comfort

We stand stead fast by your side today, we ask nothing of you
please know we are with you when you most need quiet comfort in these hectic times
We send our comfort and a thousand blessings to you now, know this time, this energy will pass
Take comfort for you are never truly alone, call upon us, your guides and your beloved angels to bring you signs of comfort today
All will be well angel
For you are love
For you are protected
And you are safe
And so it is
We love you to the sun, moon and stars
The Lemurian Unicorns
©Marialuisa Morando 2021