zondag 16 oktober 2022

This current heavy and intense period ~ Raising Vibrations

This current heavy and intense period a lot of us are experiencing is happening because we are clearing the programs from the past that are connected to the repeating karmic cycles we are ready to clear now (again) because we have upgraded our systems and now we are able to look at things from a different, higher perspective and move forward in a new way.

Sometimes it feels like life is harder, the higher frequency we are, because we have no time to relax and take it easy as we used to have in the past where the cycles of clearing didn’t follow one another all the time but there was more time in between the waves.

Now it feels like the clearing, purging, triggering, receiving high frequency, energy into our systems is happening nonstop and we don’t have a lot of time to breathe, relax and just be.

Times have changed indeed but we also need to consider that we are the highest possible frequency ever on this planet right now, which means we have done so much to get here, and it will be a little harder to get used to the new within and until we shift/change the ways of living, being, doing within the society.

But don’t forget, you don’t have to feel other peoples feelings/emotions/energy and you are the creator of your own life.

Set boundaries, be in the present moment and love yourself.

The Divine Feminine 7777
Art Pintrest