zondag 16 oktober 2022


There is a State,
That beckons so,
Beyond all illusion,
Will you let go?
Desires of the human,
Are left behind,
For each distraction,
Is born of the mind.
To know thy God,
Tools are put down,
For inner resonance,
To be found.
The heart being key,
Opens door after door,
To the GODspark within,
That is Everyone’s Core.
Can you put down,
The distractions outside?
Can you just rest?
Within, and Abide?
To what seems subtle,
But grows to be loud,
Being Inside you,
No longer in, the crowd.
For there is human longing,
To seek to fit in.
To illusion after illusion.
Until each come from WITHIN.
Then you exist,
Being always with God,
Always in Bliss,
Love’s steps are then trod.
Your Field becomes you,
And your body a tool,
To Serve God’s Will,
No longer the fool.
The life lived before,
Had endless steps,
Longing to find,
What each feel they had left.
It never left,
T’was always within,
It understood your need,
To try and fit in.
To the worlds of illusion,
Seeking unending spaces,
With unending people,
In unending places.
Allowing the stillness,
Allows God to be found,
Not through the talking,
Or any human sound.
To give up the human,
May for some be a ‘No’,
Yet giving up human attachment,
Allows Soul to grow.
And become You,
Each time, you choose to let go.
Love, Souls vibration,
As it’s emanating, white glow.
You can allow,
Your Soul be, your presence.
Living as Soul,
Brings through God’s Essence.
Mind no longer running Thee,
Heart being of Thy sacred Love,
You’re gifted The Eternal Peace,
From The Eternal Dove.
Sacred gifts bestow you,
These all come from far within,
Gifts that can not be given,
From outer illusional domain.
For All is sealed as frequencies,
By frequency design.
Each making choices,
Until their choices align.
Then levels of energy are opened,
And ye shall All pass through,
To the Presence of your Being,
For you remained so true.
For no matter how they mocked you,
Or spoke many an unkind word,
You remained true and true and true,
For you could not follow any heard.
For your unending faith,
Allowed whispering steps through ‘time’,
To the timeless realm.
To God, YOU align.
To God you shall choose to give,
Thy Heart, Thy Body and Mind,
For it was God you dwelt within,
ALL…of this time…
With Love,
Amanda Lorence
Written 15 October 2022