woensdag 12 oktober 2022

THE KRYST HAS RISEN! ~ Ramona Lappin


We just had two M-Class Solar Flares, we have Solar Winds and the Schumann Resonance spikes are showing two swords to me! It's an 111-222 day or 333!!

=============== The Kryst/ Christ has risen! The New Kryst-all-in-e Operating system and Cosmic Consciousness broadcasting system is fully online and has taken over! All reversals are being fully cleared and overwritten by the new Trinity wave current of the 12/13D Diamond, and New Ascension Earth Grids. THE MAJI DRAGON KING'S and QUEEN'S ARE getting READY TO FULLY RISE AS ONE to pull the plug on the artificial Matrix hologram and fully dissolve the artificial overlays.

REVEALING THE TRUTH that has always been! THE GREAT RE-MEMBERING! All through the infinite power of True Divine Love! As we now fully re-claim our sovereignty, freedom, power, gifts and abilities and use them wisely! Taking back full Guardianship over our and the collective realities! As we carry the codes of the Divine Template of the 144 + three as ONE! The Maji Dragon and Grail King's and Queen's and Original Twinflames, carry the Edenic/ Paradisian/ Ascension Earth keys and codes within their Blueprints, fully activating now within their DNA, crystalline structures, Diamond Sun and Plasma Rainbow Merkaba Lightbody's. Returning The Real Truth and history to HUmanity and ALL! Keep dropping into the silence as this is when God speaks to us clearly. Through the awakening and Activations to the Earth's Crystalline Core and Sphere of Amenti, and the Emerald Cosmic Quantum Tree of Life, the morphogenetic field and body's of all of life everywhere is being healed back to its Original Blueprints and Templates, plus Upgrades. All artificial materials, structures, beings, architecture and systems are being purged from our and the Planetary body's. Allow it all to release with as much ease and grace as possible as this Divine Healing Dispensation from Source of pure Divine Love is allowing for miracle healings to unfold quickly now, as well as many choosing to transition. All negative entities are being mass evicted, removed and cleared. ALL IS BEING RESET TO IT'S ORIGINAL DIVINE BLUEPRINTS, plus upgrades. Truly what all of this has been about! Know that THE RESET OF THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS has been completed at higher level and that our Ascension is in full force and vastly accelerating, as the frequencies continue to rise! Remember; ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE NOW!! Time out of time to call forth and awake the magic and re-claim all your power from deep within you! NOW WE RISE! Eternal Love, Ramona