zaterdag 15 oktober 2022

Energy / Ascension update: We have cleared much darkness / Be aware your bright light will trigger those still living in the dark ~ David Alexander Lightfoot

Energy / Ascension update:

We have cleared much darkness /
Be aware your bright light will trigger those still living in the dark.

For all on the awakened and ascension path, the lightworkers, starseeds, gridworkers and Twin Flames it is important to know we have cleared much of the darkness on our ascension path now however there still is some interference on our path by beings and people who are not of the light.

The more light we carry the more we become the mirror to people around us and they get triggered by our light and love not wanting to deal with their own inner demons.

Personally I find it strange most lightworkers and spiritual teachers do not share this information as we all feel and see the interference and chaos in the world projected on us. Especially the sensitive empaths.
It is forcing us to go deep within to clear any old shadow, trauma, drama, karma, energy left within ourselves, to transmute and be filled up with higher frequency unity love so there is no way any of our own energy can be used against us. In a way we should be grateful as we become more whole and sovereign in our power

Last 3 weeks have been tough for many advanced souls on the path of light. We have been dealing with much interference of darkness, projected negativity by others and even heavy attacks.

Yes we are doing an amazing job clearing the world of any dark influence and though much of it's grip on our lives and world has been taken away and have been transformed there is still some left for us to deal with.

Keep in mind most people in the world do not know what we are doing changing the world. They still believe the world is the same but it has already changed. They are still stuck in 3D consciousness.

Negativity, entities, attachments. IA, Negative ET's influence and darkness still exists however with no more real power. The world is being cleared out from all not of divine love.
The Twin Flame community needs to be aware that the running and chasing needs to stop. It is time to unite in divine unity. The coming together of Twin Flames has been blocked by dark forces to long. They know how powerful the love of Twin Flames is and we can uplift and enlighten the world with Higher love in a heartbeat.

We experienced the old timeline and it was not very pleasant to say it nicely. We are now back on track on the new time lime, all light grids activated. We must not loose faith now.
Though the outer world seems to be in chaos we are still on the right path creating the new world and ascension can not be stopped anymore, in fact it already happened. More divine unity love and support from the higher realms, the ascended masters, angelic beings and positive Et's are helping us raise up in frequency and vibration.

We need to continue to do clearing work, to connect with nature, to be discerning who we connect as we really can only trust ourselves to stay clear. To stay in harmony, self care, self love, meditation it is part of our daily routine.

With all the big shifts, DNA upgrades, solar flashes it is not easy to stay balanced however we are doing it, we have grounded in much of the new light codes and balanced the divine and feminine energies within so this will show up balanced in our outer world also.

Know we have the power, no outside force will save us. We are here and we need to do this, of course with the support of all that is divine. We move forward in confidence all is going according divine plan. Have faith, we keep a positive mindset with higher love in our hearts.

Much love and many blessings
David Alexander Lightfoot