donderdag 1 september 2022

We are literally walking in Two Worlds Right now ~ Mary Long

We are literally walking in Two Worlds Right now.

As the Narratives of Control continue to be exposed and are collapsing a New Earth is readily available in the Higher Dimensions.
The Bridge is completely open and many sentient beings are moving into it, many may think it is an extinction when truly it isn't.

As we have shared for decades now our bodies consist of carbon based materials from the Universe and Earth. These Carbon based bodies are evolving as more light comes into them.

Our DNA is crystalizing awakening us and reminding us that we are Infinite beings of Light Consciousness. Just as the orbs many of us see and the Merkabah ships in the night skies. We are energy beings who took on a physical form to experience Spirit and experience our emotions at a different level.

The Emotions we are feeling right now are different, we are no longer attached to the outer circumstances of this Stage, we are exiting from it bringing ourselves up to a higher level of awareness.

I see this, I feel this and I am a part of this. We all are. Last night as I watched the constellations shifting from one area to another it was quite evident, we are straddling dimensions right now.

It is like we are being given the choice of ascending into our light being selves or stay in the lower dimensions to help humanity through this transition. I keep hearing it is ok if you want to leave and not come back to the lower dimensional self.

Many of us are feeling this, even those that are not totally aware of this evolution process are feeling something is different, I have noticed a shift in consciousness of those I run into as well. In a dream I was standing outside a building and everyone that passed by me smiled and said hello, or thank you for being here. Even as I had my tires rotated yesterday while waiting people would look at me and smile, an say thank you.

Wasn't really sure why until this all came into me last night as I laid in my hammock connecting to the Cosmos.

I have also been hearing many timelines, it is like they are passing though my consciousness as I hear 1930's Brass Band Music Playing, people laughing and enjoy the band as they dance. Hearing many voices as well, I can't make out what they are saying but I can hear them chattering.

These energies truly are a trip, those that said these energies could mess with our minds weren't kidding around, even some will lose themselves in it. I have a friend here who is experiencing this right now, I go spend time with this person as much as I can helping her to stay grounded and still rather than attach to the constant chatter coming through her. She is hearing voices as well.

I have several clients now that are transitioning as their bodies give out due to the elevated frequencies on this planet. We are not really going to the New Earth, the New Earth is coming in through us and as we continue more and more timelines are collapsing, the narratives of control are surfacing for all to see.

Stay Centered in your Hearts Loves, I feel these next Three months into December are going to accelerate more as we continue coming into our truest selves and utilize the gifts we have always had as creators.

More to come as we all continue to tune into everything around us, as we continue to evolve and transcend into the Light being Presented to us.