The DIVINE SOURCE is Cleansing the “Canvas” and “Creating” NEW ARTWORK in this Shifting of the Ages as NEW Atoms and Sub-Atomic Particles are Coming ON-LINE through the Multi-Stranding of DNA and Crystallization of Molecular Structure.
NOT Everyone even understands; But for those Who Do. . . a GREAT AGE of Empowerment is GLOWING Upon the Horizon.
Quakes and other Planetary Activations—delivered by “Artful” Cosmic Forces—are a part of the CHANGING “Canvas”.
The DIVINE SOURCE is also Working on Creating “Artwork” of The DIVINE ORDER.
Thus. . . There is DIVINE LIGHT even within seeming Darkness.
In Reviewing the term GURU. . . it translates as “BRINGER OF LIGHT FROM DARKNESS”.
The DIVINE SOURCE is the Ultimate GURU.
Let us Receive this DIVINE LIGHT and Learn from “IT”.
There is a HIGHER REASON than is Known by most of us as to Why seemingly destructive forces are BE-ing allowed to happen.
As Yeshua Ha Messiah (Jesus) Taught regarding BE-ing desirous of something that is for our Good—and in this case WE Are Speaking of Knowledge: “Seek and ye shall Find; Knock and the Door shall BE Opened; Ask and it shall BE Given unto Thee.”
WE Are NOW Receiving The DIVINE LIGHT CODES and Acclimating to IT.
Pars Kutay
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Photo: Incoming Divine Source Energies of Rainbow Light Codes captured on 23.09.2022 by Gretchen R Gusky