donderdag 1 september 2022

Two suns in the sky at the same time with comment from Teri Wade

Two suns in the sky at the same time. This is by far one of the clearest photos of two suns in the sky at the same time. Before you yell out photoshop learn how to read the EXIF data and understand theres NOTHING fake about these images. Both have passed EXIF data tests by flying colors and fortunately metadata cannot be tampered with, it can't be changed and it can't even be manipulated. Before you attempt to insult me run these images through an online EXIF data reader - try doing the least amount of research one could possibly do before using a "hunch"to call it a fake. Your hunch isn't proof of anything.

I would love to say this is refraction from a window but both of the suns are being obfuscated and blocked by clouds. This NOT indicative of a lens flare, a reflection or a refraction. This isn't indicative of lens coma or chromatic or problematic aberration.

Look somewhere else for an excuse. The first person to say "Atmosphere" should be beaten to an inch of their life by everyone else in the chat.

Teri Wade:

I believe there's more going on in this pic then just 2 suns. Look above them...
"The prophecy of the two suns has been interpreted as when two suns are seen, the world is about to undergo a period of intense change, followed by a cycle of realignment and healing."