By: Jelelle Awen
Energy Update: What a swirl of energies for us in the beginning weeks of 2020! New timeline possibilities of bliss, joy, dreams coming into clarity and coming true. And, at the same time, grieving, sadness, and mourning processes as we ‘let go’ of whatever needs to be in order to respond to the new.
We are invited to expand our emotional body capacities to ride the waves and to hold mixed feeling realities at once within us. Sad and excited. Bittersweet. Hopeful and fearful. Trusting and mistrusting. These can be necessary mixed feeling states, yet they can also be signs of polarities within from one part of you to another. One part feels scared while another part feels hopeful. One part feels attached to a relationship and trauma bonded while another part of you is increasingly clear that the relationship needs to shift.
The polarities within are a result of 3D conditioning that offers a ‘black and white’, ‘this against that’ way of relating to life. The polarities within can be felt by you as you connect with the parts of you on each of their ‘sides’ and let their emotional realities land in your heart to be felt. You can find then a ‘middle way’ as an ambassador to these parts of you, bringing them into a balanced place and more even-keel blend. The polarities within can also be a result of our original separation from and out of the Divine. Reconciliation within from this lifetime helps to heal this soul wound.
These polarities within (also often between our inner masculine and inner feminine) were amplified by the full moon lunar eclipse codes blending with the 1:11 portal energies that peaked on Saturday. The feminine Full Moon Eclipse energies and more sacred masculine 1:11 portal passage brought up some weepiness, mood swings, crying purges, tension then trust waves as emotional body clearings and upgrades occurred. The 1:11 codes offered higher timeline clarities and possibilities and the courage to make life choices toward them, while the lunar eclipse energies offered emotional digestion of these choices.
On the other side of this passage, there is a sense of calming down and more rest, more groundedness from within, and an emotional reset. There is a sense of space within to digest in a more full-hearted way the changes and choice points that may have been illuminated to you during this passage.
Divine Mother energies of Kuan Yin offer stillness and gentleness through snow and winter codes and compassion to receive from within and to extend to others. At the same time, there is a heightened activity of fires, volcanoes and earthquakes as The Divine Mother/Mother Gaia continue to bring in catalytic frequencies of clearing and rumbling alchemy.
There is also complex stream of SOULar winds forecasted to come into our atmospheres today from two to three holes in the sun’s surface. No geomagnetic storms are expected to come in, but there will be a surge of auroras when the solar wind arrives, according to SOULar winds can heighten and amplify any body symptoms you may be experiencing, including light headedness, disrupted sleep patterns, indigestion, colds and flu symptoms, etc.
All these energies offer us the opportunity to find our ‘home’ within and discover increasing trust in the flow of life held with Divine surrender. We can ride the waves of polarized emotions and bring love to all the parts of us that are feeling them. We can connect to the bigger soul context around the reason we are experiencing life AS we are. We can trust the growth that it brings to us as we move into our sacred humanity.