vrijdag 24 januari 2020

New moon in Aquarius 24th January 2020 ~ breaking free, freedom, inspired action, new beginnings ~ Wendy Murphy

New moon in Aquarius 24th January 2020

~ breaking free, freedom, inspired action, new beginnings ~

Today 24th January 2020 we have powerful new moon energy bringing in dynamic life changing energy to create the new in our life. Any area that has felt stuck and confusing will start to ease with clarity and inspired action on what to do and how to do it to bring positive movement forwards.

The fog, illusion and feeling separate is lifting that will help to bring clarity, and to see from a new perspective on what needs to be let go of or renewed to bring new creation energy into your life.

Aquarius energy is a little wacky and unpredictable at times, which can bring sudden surprises, change of direction, and shock endings, but this all helps to pave the way for this liberating new energy. We can't hang onto out worn things, situations and people, we are being called to wipe the slate clean, detox and eliminate all that no longer serves our soul so we can feel the sense of freedom and liberation this new moon energy in Aquarius brings.

It is also great energy for creating the new by planting new seeds of ideas and inspiration that can come from this energy, think of breakthroughs and enlightening aha moments, follow through with these nudges that comes from your intuition and soul's calling for moving forwards into the new.

Fears can arise from this energy that can cause a feeling of staying as you are and where you are because you fear the unknown and letting go, but by staying as you are can bring more stagnation and a feeling of literally 'being lost'. To break free from this means taking a leap of faith and trusting in the bigger picture/bigger plan to what your soul is calling you to do, this can be linked into moving into your higher purpose, which can entail a change of direction with career/work options and/or to expand on what you already do.

As there is a lot of change and new starts for many this can cause difficulties in relationships be that a partner, family, friends and co-workers, there can be a lot of unsettling energy flying around with triggers and even anger from others, don't rise or react to what is playing out from others just see it as there own inner and outer change that is causing them to react and project their own fears around change, instead refocus on you and your path and journey now, don't let others behaviours bring you down or stop you from your own growth and progression with change.

The positive points on this energy is it can bring great breakthroughs from stuck energy to see the bigger picture with clarity on what to do and how to move forwards, it can bring enlightening moments of inspiration and dynamic ways on how to work with the changing energies that will benefit you and your life