donderdag 1 augustus 2019

Activation: A Much Higher Consciousness HUmaNITY ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown

Activation: A Much Higher Consciousness HUmaNITY

WE the NEW EARTH People
A Cosmic Society of PURE LOVE
Living as Unity Consciousness
Soul - Star - Light BEings
presenting in physical form

We are the Cosmic Rainbow Bridge
Holding the Values and NEW EARTH System Templates
WITHIN all of US
and shared to support, inspire, unite, guide and assist
as all are truly ready for this.

(The) UP-Rising on a Collective Level
The Collective Heart of HUmaNITY
and the Collective Heart of Gaia
beats as ONE Heart within us ALL
Where all things Sacred are Remembered
Where RESPECT becomes a Priority
And the "old" illusions continue to "fall"....

EMERGING as more UNITE through LOVE
through the ashes, rubble, devastation and desecration
separation programming is stripped away
for mass hearts to burst open in order to REMEMBER fully
and each finally truly CARE ENOUGH
to be the difference
and take a stand for/as
all things sacred and pure....

As each's SOUL (Light) emerges
As our BE-LOVE-d planet EARTH is revered
as WE UNITE through Caring, Sharing, UpLIFTment
WE all become the WAYshowers here....

a Living Unity Consciousness
The Unified Field
It's BEYOND important for all to SEE
that which disregarded humanity
and either purposefully or compliantly enslaved 99% of our planet
through an intricate matrix program
we call 3D
was a level of (Un)Consciousness
within each
and occurred according to each's Soul agreement
wherefore REMEMBERING MEANS each Soul is FREE

As all becomes visible
to literally shake, startle and shock many awake
Conscious Choice can replace complacency
and "I don't want to hear or see"
Disillusionment strips the illusions away
those deep programs of old conditioned and limited beliefs of fear
As each takes a Stand INSIDE
from a place of Sacred Respect
to no longer remain unconscious and asleep
Cosmic Order is returned
NEW Earth is birthed/born through each's deeply connected SOUL
and through each's PURE heart consciousness here
As each embraces and starts to create anew
the old can easily fall away
for "new" realities to be born/visible
where a whole "new" SOCIETY IS BIRTHED
Where all who REMEMBER all as LOVE/Consciousness
Take their power back and UNITE AS A POWERFUL LOVING FORCE
MORE POWERFUL than the unconscious programs of before...

Each ONE of us here
AS WE no longer ACCEPT Less
As a Society/Species
and REMEMBER WHY we are here.....

WE are a Sacred Soul Family in form
WE are Star Family in form
WE are of the Earth
A Holy Trinity of Consciousness
re-birthed through each wide open, caring and
Pure Deeply Connected Heart

We are all things Sacred
Our Planet is alive, speaks and restructures constantly too
The LightBody of Gaia
The Crystalline Lightbody of Gaia
The Plasma LightBody of Gaia
is completely online and operating at a 12th Dimensional Consciousness
with an entirely "new" framework and foundation
constructed through Consciousness anew by each
Where all link up to these new gridding systems
with their own physical Lightbodies
in order to LIVE NEW EARTH FULLY now.

NEW Earth is y/our Heavenly Experience
Where y/our bliss, magic and purity come through
Childlike innocence, wonder and excitement
to explore the infinite wonders available
Where inner peace is a constant
Inner connection is a must
Inner knowing overrules the human mind
and Kindness, Consideration, Generosity, Sharing and Caring
replace disconnection, lack and separation
because we each CHOSE
to EMBODY our highest Divine Essences here
and BE the PROOF through our actions, energy and lives.

So, Open up fully to experience the JOY, magic, freedom and abundance
available through Unity Love Consciousness and your own deep sacred connection from within here.

Continue to RISE AND SHINE!!!

Remember, EVERYTHING is a level of Consciousness
The one(s) we function from dictate our realities here.
3D is what we all came to Transcend
The KEYS and CODES are inside
activated by your wide open heart (LightBody)
5D-12D is where WE actually LIVE.

(It's important not to get caught up in the "story", unless you are intentionally burning off victim energy that needs to clear. Consciously FEEL the emotion fully in order for your cells to release and your Lightbody to tune and shift. See all and consciously choose to shift your whole consciousness and body to a whole new timeline that operates at a completely different frequency and returns a completely different reality as a vibrational response FOR YOU). Polarity presents "on purpose", so that you can "see" distortions, clear and shift/tune to a much higher vibrational frequency bandwidth/timeline and hold that here as your "new").
Immense Love, Gratitude and Deep Sacred Respect,
I've been offline honoring the integration of immense templates and codes that we agreed to hold within our physical LightBodies in unison with our beloved Gaia/Universally/Galactically/Cosmically .... and coming together with those intentionally doing this too. My "absence" means I'm honoring, and fulfilling, multiple service roles, while living NEW Earth fully and holding/anchoring/embodying that which serves us all as love here. I still write and post, when my SOUL filled days and Quantum flow allows, as well as doing live events, which I post on the Awakening To Remembering Upcoming Events Page for all (or to the applicable groups subscribed to this). These energies support y/our HIGHEST EVERYTHING, so embrace fully and honor your LIGHTBODY/physical vessel fully too. Self Care is Sacred and necessary for full integration now. Keep shining! BE LOVE in every way! ♥