dinsdag 7 november 2023

Energy Update ~ Felipe Abras

The past week and these days are for me very specific times since we are going through a huge energy corridor in which we can dive deep within ourselves in order to recognize the inversions and distortions within. The purging is real.

This may be triggering times for most of us. The other day I was immensely triggered in a conversation with a friend and even reacted on that trigger what made me say things that could be hard to hear on the other side. I am not proud of it and I am responsible for what I did. Forgiveness I needed to sustain for myself for some days till I could balance my nervous system and to really balance I felt huge layers of sadness and grief on some relationship endings. Like I always try to remind my friends, I am not all love and light all the time. I am real, authentic and sometimes I act on my anger and, even though I am not proud of these behaviors, they were what I could do at that moment so instead of keep on punishing myself for a long time, I embrace myself in forgiveness and feel the consequences of it.

So many layers I encountered these past days related to disbelief, mistrust, sadness, grief, unworthiness, fear of rejection, fear of not being enough, unbalanced nervous system and also excitement, euphoria, calmness and high creativity and self love. Like a polarization merging of some kind and experiences once lived are coming up to surface strongly in ways it is hard to avoid feeling, which is something that we normally try to avoid, numbing our systems.

This drawing is born from the immersion I am in in this very intense and dense times in which we are invited to face our discomforts in such raw way. It is not just dense, it is extremely subtle and calm on the other hand and we are learning to balance ourselves through it all. So I suggest you be gentle with this energy and go easy on yourself as you go through your inner processes on the next days. It seems to be just starting and the great potential that is coming up will bring a lot more of us to anchor and activate within.

For personalized light codes drawings and online one on one sessions, send me a message.