vrijdag 7 oktober 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

A long read to save, print off, come back to as a supportive reminder through OCT-DEC 2022, because SOME will ‘experience’ only as a temporary experience, great emotional and mental unsettlement within these months. But not ALL do or will. There is a vaster difference NOW in what worlds we live WITHIN. So to be constantly wise as to what to give your time and energy to. Is it what you want to create more of? For everything you give energy to, no matter how small an amount, stays in your field until you choose and create again, through constant CHOICES you make. The highest choices are to create, and let go BOTH with THE LOVE.
For those that meditate and reach the state of the ‘nothing/everything’, you will know that even though you are experiencing BEYOND all forms, images and sounds there, you ALSO experience BEING the formless field ITSELF, without any separation of the ‘field’ and ‘you’, you KNOW that that field is very much ‘alive’. Where what seemed a very subtle field for the ‘personality’ to gain initial access to, is actually FILLED, with the ‘aliveness’ and vastness at the unmanifested state.
SIMILARLY, with this ‘human’ experience, the more we LIVE from WITHIN our Self, the more we exist as that ‘aliveness’ within. We become the Master of our own experience. It is a different state. Where the world within, is the fascination we exist from. It changes our perception and experience of our own ‘reality’. And we begin to create from Consciousness ITSELF. No longer the human ‘personality’ creating. As that STATE of BEING, no longer can we say ‘our consciousness’ or ‘my consciousness’ for we become IT once more. Your consciousness was always orchestrating your experience. You BECOME THAT CONSCIOUSNESS. With a physical body.
As consciousness, there is a conscious awareness and existence of detachment from the OBJECTIVE world (The world of forms and solidity). We become aware EVERYTHING is an illusion outside of the Absolute that created a design of light and vibration to know ItSelf and play in, for ITSELF. There is the viewing of a holographic environment. Where every single person is playing a type of ‘role’, in your ‘film/story/play’. All play characters designed to awaken each more and more, be that of LOVING, or of a TRIGGERING role. ONLY YOU know yourself and the intimate thoughts, feelings and ‘life’ experiences you have experienced through ‘your’ personality. Yet you LITERALLY play 1000s of roles to ANY OTHER you encounter, in their Soul’s design. The role you play for them being NOT who you truly are, but a role play THEY PERCEIVE and thus experience you as, to awaken them more via your LOVE or HOW you TRIGGERED them. Those 1000s of ‘versions’ you are perceived AS, by others, include to name but a few: daughter, mother, father, lover, wisdom, love, support, kindness, compassionate, judger, trigger, selfishness, unselfishness, unkind, cruel, violent, abusive etc etc. (I emphasise these are JUST labels to help convey how a human perceives, defines, and experiences, until they DON’T resonate with human languages/words AT ALL). To ascend into YOUR individualised CONSCIOUSNESS, all those parts have to be seen, acknowledged, loved. To negate the shadow of ALL that we are, is to stay in the ‘game’ of separation. Stay living INSIDE the illusion. All has to be acknowledged, loved. Each will EVENTUALLY, with joyful innocence of KNOWING, laugh easily with each other at the roles played. When they too understand and see the ‘game’ they have come OUT of (the 3d and 4d games).
My physical eyes are a gift. When I look at the night sky that is PERCEIVED as dark, I see physically, it is made up of ONLY trillions and quadrillions etc of VIBRATIONAL LIGHT of the DIVINE, sparkling. Similarly, all objects are seen to be made of the same. Including earth, water, air and fire. It is ALL the same DIVINE. There is NO SEPARATION when you see or perceive it is ALL made of the SAME DIVINE Source. I share this ONLY to help people realise, there is NO light/dark, except from a PERCEPTION, of separation. There IS no division, except as an experience AND a sustained CHOICE of separation. Many will choose by their own journey, ways, inner means, and perfect SOUL design, to view AND ACCEPT all is THYSELF… to embody FULLY.
When you become CONSCIOUSNESS, you are not IMMERSED within the hologram/illusion. You feel outside of it all, immersed IN CONSCIOUSNESS. You are the witness. And the Creator. Nothing of the illusion STICKS to your experience. You create with Love, and let go with Love once that experience is for filled. For you are outside of the ‘film’. As an example: watching and hearing other people, is almost like watching ships sail along a horizon. You are calm, as the consciousness, witnessing. You exist as observer of it all.
When you become CONSCIOUSNESS, you are aware others see you STILL as a person and character in THEIR storyline. Each perceive what they see based on their consciousness state attained so far. So whilst you may be existing as consciousness, most people at this current timeline, can not see that. Until they too fully embody their own consciousness facet of Source. And become it too.
There is no waiting for others to ascend to the higher state. For you are knowing you are the Creator. You see and understand the game and it’s infinite perfection. As ENERGETIC CONSCIOUSNESS. You exist as that state, that was always there, just that the human ‘personality’ had to embody it to then, NOT experience SEPARATION from it. There is no fear or idea of death, for you KNOW you just leave the physical body and continue. The body stops, but you don’t experience a death. Only others witness your body stopping, via their perception.
When you embody the experience and knowing there is only GOD, it becomes the only focus to SERVE God. By your individual way. There becomes NO WANTS of the material world. There is NOTHING to do but serve, and know THYSELF more and more and more. At this point, you ARE your CONSCIOUSNESS creating. Not the mind creating. Not the personality creating.
Source/the Absolute/God, doesn’t wish, wait or struggle waiting for any part of ITSelf to Self Realise ITSelf. It simply marvels in IT’S, PURE INNOCENCE, observing It’s own myriad of creations. And experiences ItSelf more. Similarly, as a facet of God’s Consciousness, ‘you’ have no NEED either, to prove, wait, explain, defend, oppose, justify etc. Your fascination focuses on ENERGETIC CREATION. As CONSCIOUSNESS Itself. This is your new world.
When people speak about 5D, or New Earth, or a New Higher Frequency Paradigm Shift, it IS a SHIFT that comes from WITHIN YOU, and you and you. You then create your world from the Consciousness you ARE ATTAINED IN, and have become conscious of. Where in an energetic way, there feels a kind of distance from the physical world, and your physical body. You see your body at a slight distance, yet can move it. You can’t even label your ‘finger’ as a ‘finger’ in this state. It just is, a lower vibrating light form that you can access and move. Consciousness does not use human linear languages. It is a VIBRATING LIGHT ENERGETIC that creates experiences. Retaining the body, with the abilities of the body’s senses, we walk as consciousness WITH a physical body we can operate. That body being IN a physical world of condensed vibration and Light as MATTER. But we are NOT in the solid world. We are consciousness outside of it. Our physical body senses INCREASE because we are attuned AS our ENERGETIC CONSCIOUSNESS. We see and interact with MATTER differently, we hear, see, touch, smell and feel in HIGHER SENSORY ways as we are existing as ENERGY we call/label as CONSCIOUSNESS. THUS, we SEE, FEEL, ETC a DIFFERENT world of higher energetic frequency. Those frequencies were always there, we just had to align to them, to experience them. This is the ‘NEW’ world people and I have spoken of. Once there, you ground, anchor and are laying ENERGETIC foundations by all that you do. This is how you sustain it. And, many will gloriously, experience it their way, as they arrive. Where we reside as individual consciousness facets of the ONE.
Just take what resonates, and discard if it is not for you. I only continuously share to support and uplift knowing it resonates for some but not all. Everyone, over the vast physical world has their unique way home. 🙏🏻
This post can be a reminder to turn to, save or keep, for the months ahead, that points the way to where each land, in their own ‘time’. If we can not feel LOVE for ALL, there is a part of THYSELF, unseen, yet to be given love to. If one mocks or scathes another, we are doing that ONLY to ourselves. For it is OUR illusional Reality created by OUR OWN consciousness to transcend out of, into a higher frequency STATE. Not by fight, not by picking sides, not by running away, not by hiding away from the solid world. But by embracing EVERY PART of us and FINDING that Eternal Love within us ALL. In a higher state of LIVING consciousness, ALL COME FROM the baseline of LOVE, where there is the joy of the diverse perceptions, where we may not share another’s perception or choices, but we hold the seeing, the love, the compassion and the eternal space, as we honour all as one Soul to another Soul. If you can not find love for a particular human being in these times, feel YOUR SOUL, and you will automatically love their Soul. SOUL TO SOUL. You will then love the human illusion stood before you.
With love always
Amanda Lorence
7 October 2022