donderdag 27 oktober 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

My path, has always been ENERGY (Light and Vibration), since awakening in 2012. This incorporates an array of quiet energetic abilities. I only mention this as I work behind the scenes every day AS ENERGY with ENERGY, and why I share the below information.
I will try and explain something now as a way of supporting you to a WIDER FOCUS of understanding of ENERGY…and our ascension.
I began physically feeling INCOMING ENERGIES eight years ago and since then work/merge with the Sun’s Incoming Energies every day.
Many in more recent years now physically feel the variable and increasing frequencies from the Sun. These contain multiple LIGHT CODINGS and multiple VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS at incremental RISING FREQUENCIES as we go. I’ve been aware for some time that people are giving more and more focus to the Sun’s Energies…
Yet there is MUCH MORE we ALL receive in terms of Light and Vibration, that is not a DIRECT result of the Sun’s emissions that I call ‘Incoming Energies’. The Sun is a PART of a much VASTER DESIGN. The Sun IS also YOU. It is not separate to you.
So often, technical scientific instruments for measuring Sun Activity DO NOT INCLUDE other ENERGETICS at play, that we can be receiving. So often we receive massive energies that are not directly from the Sun.
As an example: dates 19-21 October 2022, technical scientific instruments reported the SUN was fairly QUIET. It was, yet I could FEEL a massive energetic building in EACH of those days. As I work with energy every day, I am aware if the energy being felt, is or isn’t of the SUN. If not of the Sun I merge into the vibrations and can then SENSE a particular LIGHT FIELD the energy is coming from. Merging into this FIELD over days, I could sense a JUNCTURE POINT was being WEIVED TO us. Not knowing when it would arrive. As it arrived on 22 October 2022, I could then merge into what had arrived. To then know it was an INDIVIDUAL upgrade for all. Gifted to all via the Lighted Design Field that had been previously weaving 19-21 October. This ENERGY was NOT from the SUN.
When we COLLECTIVELY receive energies from a FIELD of LIGHTED DESIGN (not the Sun) it generally culminates on ARRIVAL in linear time, as a COLLECTIVE GIVEN, NODE POINT. This type of receiving on a collective level means that EACH human being moves on a Node Point based on their own design and own stage of Consciousness. It’s a collective gift in a way. Because generally, the Ascension is within each’s OWN and unique design and their ACTIVE participation to their own design which is what aligns each to their own next node point. And then their next node point and so on…(like steps up a ladder of frequency node points)
So to just pass on…a far wider, more complex orchestration of Light Fields and vibrations EMIT FROM higher FREQUENCY light fields than JUST the physical Sun. To not rely solely on scientific 3d data of Sun emissions. We are receiving from MANY FIELDS that are of intricate HIGHER DIMENSIONAL patterns of light and vibration. And why, the Energies we are all receiving are far more than nearest Sun Activity. This is why, the recent UPGRADE is taking MORE than 3 days to integrate…because it’s not from our Sun and the usual 3 day integration period associated with solar activity/solar incoming energies.
The more you FEEL inwardly, the more sensitive you become. The more sensitive we become, the more SENTIENT we become. We can become if we choose, energy dancing with energy. Energy at One with all Energies. We become the master of our own vibration. And experience, create directly as our consciousness embodied. In our Sentience…
With Love Always
26 October 2022
PS: if you don’t understand Light Nodes Points (in general) this video explains xx